Traffic Koans [Day 16]
This is Day 16 of the 30-day Traffic Koans contest. Details on how to enter can be found here:

It had been raining for three days, and the flood had already risen to the level of a person's knee.
A distraught man approached a wise man in hopes of solving the flood problem.
"Wise man," he called out. "Help us get rid of the flood."
"For that to be done, we must first find out what caused it."
"Okay. So, how do we do that?"
"I saw you yesterday eating a hamburger," the wise man replied. "Where did you throw the wrapper?"
"On the street. Why do you ask?"
"That bag of chips the other week, where did you throw it?"
"On the street! How is any of this relevant!?"
"I think we have found the cause and the solution."

I've said too much yesterday. Time for all of you to fill in the blanks for this one ;)
Don't waste this opportunity to win SBD. Send in your entries in the comments section, there are no useless stories :D
To know how to enter, check out the link below
Vote @lukestokes.mhth | @steemgigs as Steemit witnesses!

I usually drive a lot and this is the only thing I really hate!! When I see the exact moment trash fly out of a cars window makes me want to throw more garbage inside that F#%" car. Don't F#%= pollute our city!
Sorry I i got heated up lol. Here Is a real story:
Once I was with a friend driving down on a main avenue, we were eating "Bomba Rellena", windows down and I was going quite fast. After I finished mine he took the bag and start collecting napkins and other old papers I had laying around, suddenly the bastard just throw it out without saying a word, I stared at him with hate and shame and stomp the brake. First he thought it was joke but then I push him out and had him bring my garbage back.
Not long ago he confessed that haven't thrown trash on the street after that.
sorry if my grammar isn't right
Right!? I feel the exact same way. Seeing that makes me want to return the garbage inside the rightful trash bin (aka their cars).
WHAT!? HAHA! WOW! I would've done the same thing! Good on you, hermano! I'm surprised (and relieved) you didn't force your friend to eat the trash after he picked it up. It's great that he learned his lesson though. One less litterer foiled by your effort. Gold star for you!
Your grammar was correct, no need to be conscious about it :) I'm not a native English speaker as well, so I would never judge :)
Ugh, I hate it when I see trash carelessly strewn on the side of the road, I mean seriously people, you can't just wait until you get home, or even throw it in a gas station garbage???
Most are respectful of this in the area I live, but I've driven through my fair share of cities where they are not. The worst I've ever seen was on the highway that runs parallel to the city of detroit, ENTIRE garbage bags thrown and broken open. How do they even accomplish that I wonder? A thirty gallon garbage bag wouldn't fit out the window of my car haha!
Right?? I get it if it's acid and they need to dispose of it quickly, but I really hate the excuse they make when they it's just a candy wrapper or some small thing. Imagine if a thousand people did the same. Ugh!
It's a normal thing here. They usually have them at the back of pickup trucks and they just throw it wherever they please. Those people are so irritating. I really want to see all of their trash hauled back to their homes. Or, have the trash not sorted and when it becomes too much and they complain, show a compilation video of them contributing to the pile. That'll show 'em.
You know what's not garbage though? In fact, it's the exact opposite of garbage. Go on, guess! ... It's your support, which is very precious! So, thanks for taking the time to stop by and giving me some, my friend! :D
Those dudes that throw rubbish out of their car! Man that makes me cross. I was in a car park the other day and someone opened their for and just tipped a pile of rubbish out. In the loan I presume you mean the rubbish blocks the drains!
You must never forget to look both sides of the road before you do though, or else.. Oh wait. You meant the other cross! Haha! Yeah, they make want to shove up those trash where the sun don't shine as well. This is such a common sight here, and I don't know why people never learn.
And yes, that's exactly what I meant, dude. Good eye!! The time you spend commenting on my posts is as valuable as your words, and you know how much your words mean!
My words mean diddly squat, bud it don't stop me throwing them about like squat confetti!! Wayhay!
Nuh uh! No, sir... No sir. According to Kraken, Bitfinex and Coingecko (I can't check Bittrex because I lost my 2FA and they still haven't replied to me about resetting it ugh), your words are worth even more that slumping Bitcoin! Your words are what Bitcoin strive to be worth.
Perhaps I should lend myself as some sort of yardstick to these exchanges?
That would be a blessing and a curse for them. I'm sure they would be eternally grateful of course! Long after cryptos would be the universal currency, the would still be paying their debt to you.
It is good for them to feel this way. Their debt shall both bind them and free them
So profound, dude! Alright now hand over the rope and help me up. It's getting dark, and it's quite hard to be stuck in this deep deep mental hole when the sun's gone down. There might be... ugh! I dare not say it... lurking in the woods.
cockroaches. ayiiiiieeeeeee!!
Squiddly dat you say? Confettational verbal celebrations! The wholly marriage of squiggly lines and actual meaning, that is to say the actual expressions of some kind of self-contained, self-perceiving energy fountain - it makes my head spin! Wayhay and wayhay and thrice wayhay!