Dow Jones Jones Industrial Average - the Godcount of mankind...

in Trading Lounge4 years ago

202101171200 Man Kind  Big Picture Millenial Love.png

Economy Millenial Count of human kind - made by @indextrader24 with friendly permission by

Dear Friends of freedom and wisdom,

dear friends of Love and Happyness,

dear followers,

today I want you present the real big picture of economic development of mankind in the history and future. Note that the economic development of mankind has started in paradise with Adam and Eva thousands of years ago - propably at the year 700000 before the birth of Christi, when a huge impact at Australia leads to the extinction of the Australopethicus. This was the start of an unbelievable evolution of man kind.

This evolution reached its first high at 22. September 9445 before Christi birth. It was Noah who was mentioned in the bible who rescued man kind in front of the impact of the 23. September 9445 when a comet and its 7 fragements slashes to the ocean in the region of the tasmanian sea near Australia.

This comet impact leads to a historical downturn of global economy and was described in many historical findings of our history. It was the wave (2) of a multimillenial evolution. After the sharp correction by this bible flood resulting from a comet impact more than 10000 years ago human kind enters into a new development peaking at the romanian empire more tha 2000 years ago with Julius Cesar and the birth of Jesus Christus. This peak after more 9000 years economic growth and evolution marks a significant step in the development of man kind. Abd was the end of wave (1) lasting around 700000 years.

Then with the end of the roman empire a time of corrections - with plague and wars followed with multiple up and downs reflecting a multicentury lasting correction of the **wave (1) Impuls **since the bible flood at 9445 before Christi.

This complex wave 2 correction ended at 1826 when a new epoche of evolution has started to mankind. Since the year 1826 mankind is entering in to the space age. Starting with improoving astrophysics and understanding of the universe and improoving industrialisation.

This evolution is still ongoing and able to lead to new steps of mankind. The spae agen millenial big Cycle wave is able to accellerate the economic growth in future.

If there is no cataclysmus offcuring leading to a set back to the levels of 1826 two centuries ago the marcet will further climb in a longterm view - non regarding the Corona pandemic events.

The target at the day when mankind is establishing a Mars Colony will be 23600000 LOVE Units.

This will be the first important high in this century. But take a look at the **Dow Jones and the 153499 Indexmark. **

202101171114 Space Age Dow.png

If the marcet will not override it, than the evolution can be corrected similar to the bible flood more than 11500 years ago. Otherwise the bible count will lead to a target a 1 trillion LOVE!

If the Dow Jones will not override the 153499 Mark the evolution of mankind will be interrupted by a counterstrike within a running a-b-c correction leading the stock prices in the worst case back to the levels of 1830.

However, if such a cataclysmic event will not occur mankind should be prepared to meet ET and afterwards god in a few millenials from now.

These are all amazing times for mankind.

Best whishes and enjoy the travel to new worlds in the background of a starting space age and never forget to protect your wealth and friends of love.

Accellerating Space Race Count

202101171313 Dow Jones Space Race.png

Dow Jones Space Age Rally - made by @indextrader24 with friendly permission by


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