The March contest #2 by sduttaskitchen|School life Vs college life!
Hi everyone,
I am here to participate in this contest organized by @sduttaskitchen. Through this participation, we are going to learn from each other's experiences about our school or college life. Before I proceed I would like to invite @impersonal, @bossj23 and @gondalbiya to come and participate in this contest.
School life is the best as most people normally say because kids play with each other during break hours where different games occur. I can say that I enjoy school life. Most of my friends from school days we still see each other, and some of them have become successful in their businesses or career they choose.
I could remember during closing hours when we would contribute money for football matches. As players, we would put more strength because the winner would be rewarded from the money we contribute. I love my secondary school life; it is the most beautiful moment I enjoy. I miss those days when I mingled with my female friends by cracking the most expensive jokes with them. When I entered senior class, I usually ironed my clothes so that other students would cherish what I wear. As seniors, we maintain order by sending our juniors to buy food for us without paying them. In fact, it's a wonderful moment we enjoy together.
When I was in school, I missed those inter-house sport activities we normally did at the end of the term, where every student would come out in masses to shout and support the house they belong to. Different sport activities like football matches, handball, running, javelin, etc. I am in the red house. Sometimes we may lead by becoming first, second, or third. All I know is that we always become the first position. This is the kind of experienced I always from my childhood till today.
College activities are not left out; seeing different faces from other states increases our understanding of how to deal with people like that. I could remember during our matriculation day, that day is one of the happiest moments of my life because I had never experienced those activities before. Everyone was dancing, singing along with artists to show we are ready for this day. Cultural events also took place at the end of the semester where different students from other states would display their cultural activities in a unique way. Different varieties of food would be served the guests such as Tuwo and Gbegiri, white rice and stew and more.
During my final year at college, I suffered from malaria to the extent that I almost missed some tests conducted by one of our lecturers. My good friends wanted to help me, but I told them I would manage. I went to school that day and successfully completed the test. I thanked God for the results when they were out. I felt happy throughout the day because is the kind of joy I will never forget.
Another thing is that when we conducted the students' union government election, it was a fantastic day as I had never witnessed such activities before. We conducted the election using ballot papers to vote for any candidate of our choice. Candidate posters were put up, and students campaigned from one class to another. We voted for our candidates on the election day, and when the winner was announced, everyone celebrated by playing drums.
Thank you for reading my post, and I hope other users find it interesting.
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প্রথমেই আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য আপনিও আমার মত স্কুল জীবনটা অনেক বেশি মিস করে থাকেন তবে আপনার কাছে সবচাইতে আনন্দকর বিষয় হচ্ছে স্কুলের সময় আপনি যে বিষয়টা সবচেয়ে বেশি মিস করছেন সেটা হচ্ছে খেলাধুলা।
আসলে ওই স্মৃতিগুলো আমরা কখনই ভুলে থাকতে পারবো না আপনার পোস্ট পরিদর্শন করে অনেক ভালো লাগলো সেই সাথে আপনার কলেজ লাইফে আপনি ম্যালেরিয়া আক্রান্ত হয়েছেন যার কারণে একটা পরীক্ষা দিতে পারেননি যেটা খুবই দুঃখজনক অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি ভাল থাকবেন।