The Virtue Circle
Self-propagating advantageous situation in which a successful solution leads to more of a desired result or another success which generates still more desired results or successes in a chain. - source
When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them. - Plato
Our relationships have become increasingly complex with the advent of social media, internet, TV, radio, mass travel and even the printed word. We are now capable of spreading an idea all over the world in fractions of a second with little or no time to contemplate whether the idea is worthy of being shared.
Without a foundation upon which to evaluate ideas, we will always be influenced by others to venture down a road in the wrong direction. As a result, it is becoming easier to justify violence in our relationships and make that violence socially acceptable. The systems that we build around us support and even legalize this process.
However, might does not make right. Legal does not reflect love. Commerce does not equate to prosperity for all. So what are we to do about it all?
Time to take the high road and walk a path few have traveled.
I've had discussions with a few members of the Stewards of Terra Mater in regards to establishing a protocol on how we will behave in all our relationships, whether that be here on social media sites or in our other aspects of life. By making this spiritual commitment to our selves, we re-affirm our commitment to all our relationships. Peace, freedom, patience, prosperity, kindness, gentleness, self-control and faithfulness are the foundations that provide the framework for healthy relationships.
It is this foundation that allows for self-governance to take root and flourish. By walking this path, we make a spiritual commitment to ensure we are not engaging in violence of any kind, whether that be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
The drums of war ring loud no matter where we go and it is time to silence those drums. Our actions speak louder than words. Time to let the world know where we stand on violence, in ALL its forms.
Display this icon or banner proudly to let people know that you are working hard to walk the high road and that you make a firm commitment to live in peace. Let them know that you have set firm boundaries and that violence will no longer be tolerated but in fact will be confronted. Let people know that this is a safe place to express oneself as freedom is respected as a corner stone of love, empathy and compassion.
By taking the high road we agree not to engage in violence, however we will end relationships, block or mute people should they engage in violence, covertly or overtly in violation of our boundaries. Reconciling Relationships is a tough process as it requires both parties to heal and have strong boundaries during the reconciliation process. Trust is an important foundation in our relationships and the offender has a lot of work to do to rebuild that trust. The most difficult part is that the offender does not get to chose when trust has been restored.
We all want to feel like we belong, so the Stewards of Terra Mater, my wife and I invite you to join our campaign to bring balance to what we witness unfolding in the world around us. If this idea resonates with you, make a commitment to peace, prosperity, good stewardship and healthy relationships. Display the banner on your posts and communicate your intentions with your family and friends.
All we ask is that you be open to the possibility that our actions are violent and make a commitment to standing up against those actions or inactions. The goal of this movement is to reverse years of propaganda that has resulted in social constructs that support and even encourage violence in our lives. We want peace in all aspects of our lives, whether it be here on social media, on the streets or in our own homes.
If you are willing to do the work and commit to peace and prosperity, then we invite you into The Virtue Circle. @skycae setup a discord channel for us already. Invitation to join us is here:
Our family and friends firmly believe this to be the only way to healthy relationships. It takes time and persistence to be the change you want to see in the world. We have to set the example and live the life. In today's world that is a hard road to follow. If you will have me, I would be honoured to join the circle.I have resteemed your post. I feel that the message is important.
You already walk the path. It is so wonderful to see. Yes of course you are welcome. We wouldn't have it any other way. Hugs
Thank you so much.
Your most welcome!
My dear sister, in my view, you have been a part of The Virtue Circle for years already. No need to ask to join. We welcome you with open arms. Thank you for leading by example!
Thank you, @wwf.
Thank-you for taking the initiative on this. There are two levels to this that resonate for is time that we integrate our pre-existing values and ethics into our online presence. There are so many who feel we can interact online in ways that we would not in person. The screen empowers people to be bolder...and at times much more abusive and warlike than they would be in person. However, our online interactions are no less real...we are interacting with other people. Technology may be an intermediary, however, it does not lessen the humanness of the response that is called for. Second, I appreciate your call to be self-reflective in our dealings with others and to be willing to recognize and adjust any violence in our approach (understanding that violence means more than physical harm). May I create a banner for this purpose to share with others?
Thank you! As for the banner; sure. I look forward to see what you come up with.
I fully and enthusiastically agree. We must rise above our primal survival instincts and live in wisdom, peace and prosperity. Did you come up with the logo? I checked the "source" but could not access the page.
Yes, I created it myself. However, @harvardhomestead may also come up with a design as well. Waiting to see what she comes up with. Thank you for the support!
This is sure an ideal circle 💖💜 But, in joining i honestly have fear. Fear that my ingrained habits (which i strive to notice all the time) but i fear i am so blinded that i can't even see when my actions are violent! I have been trying to undo the violent habits for years already and i don't think i have gotten half way to releasing the tendancice that move me away from peace. Just because i am ignorant to them! So, i am very nervous to hold myself to this virtuous path feeling as though i may fail and think wrongly i am being peaceful.... so am wondering how we become accountable? Through self-goverance but it's challenging to know what i don't know! And, in my day-to-day life not one person would fit the bill as a mentor or role model. I am leary to trust on-line friends because contact is so limited in dimension and actual contact.
I tried clicking on the source link below the image, it didn't work! Can you and @carey-page please also help me understand why you @wwf don't support the flag war while (last i saw) Carey does support it? I am confused by this!
@yogajill, I don't think anybody on this planet can claim to be 100% peaceful. We ALL have things to work on. It is my experience that we need one another to be our mirror. You may not be able to 'see' but others can and if you are willing and open to hear and see, you can then heal and move forward. I take what everyone says very seriously, engage my critical thinking, evaluate and make a determination if the observation is true for me or not. I then make changes if necessary, self check and move forward.
If you engage in violence then it is our duty to say something to you, in a loving, healing way. Tough love may seem harsh, but it all depends on how violent the behaviours are. But there are some people out there that say things just to hurt, injure, manipulate, control, intimidate and do what ever they can to build themselves up and tear other people down. The intent of the movement is to put them on notice that we will not tolerate abuse and we will form a circle to protect ourselves, rebuke such behaviours or block / mute them as a last resort.
As for the flag war, Carey and I talk about what I'm writing about all the time. I am the public face of the team that makes up her and I. The fact that she is displaying The Virtue Circle means that she does not support the flag war. We have formed a consensus on the vast majority of the information that I share on line. In fact, most of it is driven by her, researched and written by me. She is the guiding light in our relationship!
I hope that helps. I actually encourage you to join. It would mean no war, so I would confront you if you continue to engage in war or violence with other people. Not that I've been a witness to anything like that. But I would like to encourage us all to peacefully help, support and confront each other so that we can raise the bar of behaviour that we see on line and in our day-to-day lives.
Does this help?
It sure does help. I appreciate the effort it took to communicate this with me and also the clarity and insight it brings on the subject. I will give it more consideration to join the circle. Thanks again @wwf
Thank you for sharing. We all have work to do regarding being peaceful. I don't support the flag of war. I guess I need to be a bit more public about this. Please let me know why you felt that way. I do need to make this clear in a public way. I tend to stick my head in the sand on some of these issues.
Rob and I have done so much study on how the world really works and what is truly going on. I get tired of all the negativity. There are moments where I just don't want to deal with it all. I came here to steemit for a positive and encouraging environment. I refuse to engage in violence.
I really appreciate your effort to communicate with me on this matter. It is making more sence to me now. Here is the link the post that i came upon that confused me:
I can totally understand wanting it all to go away. I feel the same often. Especially now, relying on low income housing, legal aide, and income support (welfare) it's a real mumbo jumbo mess. And, crazy as it is, my family and communities just don't endeavor to be the change!! I am sure i don't need to explain too much more. So, to be as vulnerable as I am amidst all this. Yes! I do understand wanting to just ignore it all. Facepalm!
.....i am just too stuborn and crazy though.
I had no idea about that post. I will go and correct it. Rob and I talk so much I guess he forgot to tell me about it. Now it can be fixed.
Sounds like you are going through quite a bit. All of that in it's self can be overwhelming. I can understand the being stubborn part. I have stubborn run through my genes as well. I have slowly learned to curb it. However that has taken many years.
Awesome! Let us have a big circle of virtuous actions and content then. It would be rad to have a discord group to just talk about this stuff, and I would be more then happy to help get that started and keep it going!
That is a very generous offer. Thank you. I'm not sure how to set that up. Are you? If so, lets go for it. Let people know how to access it! I'll join in for sure.
With that said, I hope that people would talk about it here as well. It would help others get their heads and hearts wrapped around the idea and the implications that this commitment would have on their own lives and the lives of those around them.
Yah I am sure many would want to connect on here as well and we can all help each other along the way. However I find discord is better for more informal conversations and group discussions, as well as organizing anything.
I will set the channel up, but I think it would be best if you took the lead with guidelines and information and stuff, tis your forte haha. Its really easy! I will give you all the discord power too. One sec well I set it up. Here is the link, I will fix a few things to get us started. Maybe add it to the post?
"The drums of war ring loud no matter where we go and it is time to silence those drums. Our actions speak louder than words. Time to let the world know where we stand on violence, in ALL its forms. "
What a brilliant initiative, may the circle grow peacefully and prosper!!
May we all join together, hand-in-hand, to form a circle of peace and prosperity! <3
This is so great—perfectly describes what I think is one of the largest challenges in being an activist in such a heated and violent climate. I struggle every day with learning how to communicate and engage with the people I’ve been told are my enemies. Learning to give people the benefit of the doubt and talk to them as humans. Of course it is not always possible to communicate when someone is threatening you, but learning to walk away rather than stooping to their level is difficult.
Yes, it does indeed take some skills. You are not the only one to bring up that topic. Perhaps the subject of another post to write. :) thank you @malloryblythe for commenting and sharing your thoughts and feelings. I appreciate that very much.
I always try to play the empathy game. I imagine if I were someone who completely disagreed with me about something—I’ll invent an entire character with a backstory if I have to—and I try to come up with a reason that someone would feel that way that isn’t inherently hateful or full of bad intentions. I usually am able to do it. Of course there are positions that are completely hateful and it’s impossible to rationalize them no matter how hard you try. Once in a blue moon if I come from that perspective I succeed in at least getting someone to see it from my side. It’s better than screaming at your computer monitor, at least.
This sounds like something I am very much in alignment with. Especially here at Steemit, but in general. Locally I am developing support groups to help people process power and privilege using mindfulness and creativity. I have done community organizing for 20 years and I dont want to struggle and fight anymore I want to help, and heal. I believe there are times where people must speak out and stop systems of oppression, but I have come to a time in my life where I need to spend my energies supporting changemakers in being able to manage conflict and emotional responses so that movements can be healing instead of draining peoples energy or becoming carbon copies of the systems of war.
I agree @dlfo! I've come to that point in my life as well. I think the conflict is draining. I have no issues with confronting people, but if I witness the conversation degrading rather than improving, I must recognize that I am no longer serving as the individual may not necessarily be ready to hear what I have to say.
However, to help, serve and support others who have the will to change and grow, suddenly becomes enriching and rewarding. I think we owe it to ourselves and each other to do the work and help one another along that journey.
This initiative is so nice, nothing can replace the position of peace on earth.
On my personal thought sometime recently, I wondered if absolute peace is possible in this world but a second thought told me 'it begins with you' and I agree completely.
The world really need PEACE now.
Indeed it does. It starts within my friend!!!