The Peoples BREXIT serves notice on the EU! We REVOKE You! We RENOUNCE EU Citizenship!

in #thepeoplesbrexit6 years ago (edited)

NOTICE of #ThePeoplesBrexit from the people of FREE BRITAIN to the Institutions and officials of the EUROPEAN UNION.

INCLUDING Donald Tusk, Jean Claude Juncker, Michel Barnier, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, the European Commission, the Council of European Union, the European Parliament, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank, The Court of Auditors, any attendees of Bilderberg since its formation, and all other individuals and organisations identified with the EU:


NOTICE! We are NOT your Citizens! We REVOKE EU Citizenship! We enforce #ThePeoplesBREXIT!
We the undersigned REJECT the FLAG, the Passport, and all legal status associated with “Citizen of the European Union”: we declare we are NOT EU citizens and demand the EU STOPS trying to unlawfully impose itself on us: WE REJECT YOU! NO MEANS NO!

Today, 29th March 2019 at 23:00, our political establishment has betrayed us by FAILING to deliver Brexit as enshrined in UK law, proving they allow UK Law to be over-ridden by EU law and are derelict and unfit for duty.

Parliament has proved itself to be a chamber of useless non-entities whose only instinct is to try to put things off and buy time for another vote, in desperation trying to get out of carrying out the peoples will. They are derelict and in dishonour and have failed the British People.

This should be no surprise. The British Political class has been systemically weakened with spineless careerists for decades. This are trough serving administrators for EU directives, not people with any backbone or ability to lead. There are notable exceptions, but they are far from the majority and are drowning in the failure and non-entity of the rest. We will bring them to account, sack the useless failures, support the decent ones, and rebuild our British Democracy to be worthy of the name again, through bringing #Reformation.

The European Union should not think THAT rotten chamber will protect you from now having to deal DIRECTLY with us. There is no deal you can make with THEM that THEY can deliver and the failures will soon now be out of office: for good! You only option is to bow to our will: you cannot and will not rule here!
We have been MORE than tolerant!

The entire history of our nation’s connection to your European Union is one of fraud and deceit on YOUR part as you have tried to socially engineer Britain into being a compliant vassal state region in your SuperState.

From the start, the vile pervert Ted Heath was compromised by his depravity, known about by German Intelligence, and what a jolly game it was for 40 years, saying one thing while doing another when all along the goal was the destruction of Britain as a sovereign entity, all the way up to Gordon Brown trying to steal the country when he signed Lisbon WITHOUT providing the pledged referendum! That it has come to this, and we now impose #ThePeoplesBrexit divorce on you, is entirely your fault.

The EU’s plans to assimilate FREE BRITAIN have FAILED! We KNOW! You will never get that knowledge our of circulation now, we will NEVER submit: and we will tolerate the farcical circus of media and politics no longer. Since our great lawful referendum victory and decision to LEAVE, we the majority have been abused in countless ways and treated with contempt by the Europhile lickspittles in “liberal” society and the media. But you have not broken our will or deceived us for one moment. 33 months is ENOUGH!
We will no longer tolerate the lies and deceptions of the European Union, a disgraceful legacy that now ENDS. Do you think we have not been listening? This very week Mr Tusk LIED about “pro EU” crowd size in London on the 23rd March: it was no more than 400,000, not 1million: the petition Mr Tusk cited at the same time, also a lie, 80% signed by foreign bot farms. We are not fooled by such tired and predictable media tropes.

Also this very week, the EU passes legislation, including Article 13 that will place the Internet under levels of police state censorship and control that would shame China, North Korea or Saudi Arabia, all across the EU, destroying the internet freedom of all Europeans. Why else do you do this, but to cover EU blushes and protect the profits of your croney capitalist corporate friends? Mussolini defined fascism as “the union of corporate and state power”: the European Union has bent its effort to perfecting that vision, in the name of Saint Kalergi. We KNOW who you are!

While the EU also says NOTHING about the French Government using chemical weapons against its own people! MORALLY DERELICT! UNFIT! CORRUPT! WE REJECT YOU!

Just some RECENT examples from the last few days, of a legacy of abuses stretching back DECADES, treating the FREE PEOPLE of Britain, and the whole of Europe, with contempt and profound grievous disrespect!

Powered by foreign European money, the Remain “resistance” lies ALL the time, as does the fake news BBC and other media, and the mouths of European Union Officials: while working in cahoots with Tech platforms to censor ghost chill demonise and ban any and all democratic opposition!

We DIRECTLY enforce the following NOTICE on YOU:

WE THE UNDERSIGNED Are NOT your citizens, you have NO claim on us, and this is your final chance to recognise this, respect OUR Democracy, and throw the United Kingdom OUT of your European Union on April 12th. GIVE IT UP! NOW!

British politicians are facing a difficult future: for the people will bring them to account. If the EU persists in trying to unlawfully impose its foreign government upon us any longer, we shall not stop with bringing just UK politicians to account, but ensure our attention is turned to exposing the corrupt and tyrannical all across the EU. We didn’t want to make Brexit about taking down the EU: we simply wanted to take back control of OUR Nation: but you force our hand with your attitude!

From this day forth, every day you unlawfully try to grasp us in your statute regulation tentacles is a day you will be brought to account by the FREE BRITISH PEOPLE. Every corruption, every compromise, every fattened pockets and well swilled expense account, every dot and comma of everything to do with every one of you who comprise the body of the European Union, will be sought out, and every single sniff of corruption exposed to the world.

We will ensure that YOU will be forced to operate in the full light of the TRUTH. Unless and until you LET BRITAIN BE FREE and DROP your unwanted and rejected ambitions to seize control of our nation, dragging down the EU will be become the mission and the responsibility of EVERY freedom loving Briton!

Every one of us who signs this NOTICE from this day forth makes clear:

We are NOT and will NEVER be EU Citizens! We refute and REJECT the EU and all its works! Keep your unwanted ambition and your false legal framework OFF our God-given FREEDOM!

IT IS TIME NOW FOR #ThePeoplesBrexit!


We demand you NOTICE our NOTICE and comply with our will!

Do not waste our time with talk of “Britain doesn’t know what it wants”. The people DECIDED: Parliament promised to implement our choice: Parliament has failed. That is not the peoples problem and we will now impose #ThePeoplesBrexit on both the UK Government AND the European Union.

Neither will we hear more emotional anarchism from the bedwetting howls of Remainers. We insist on RULE OF LAW and will settle for nothing less. We stand on our God-Given Common Law Rights and will NOT be falsely enslaved to a foreign power: no matter how much Remainers call us mean names for standing on our birth RIGHTS. We have HAD the peoples vote, it’s the ballots that count and the ballots that were counted, almost three years ago. We have been patient but Remainers have hardly convince us of the seriousness or maturity of their arguments, nor that any re-run of the 2016 referendum is either necessary or could possibly be conducted fairly. Going backwards is the solution of cowardice and will help none of us.

Now it is time to implement the Peoples DECISION. Politicians are incapable: they must now step out of the way and let the markets solve the issues: in the best interests of all!

Further notice: If you do not eject Britain from the European Union by 23:00 on April 12th 2019 and drop ALL claims on British Sovereignty we shall be instituting CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS to sue both the European Union AND the British Government for compensatory refund, in FULL, of our proportional share of ALL monies unlawfully paid to the EU since WE declared our freedom on June 23rd 2016! The longer you refuse to comply with our lawful declaration of #ThePeoplesBrexit the more its going to cost you: be certain of it!

There is yet time for YOU to take the better choice, towards a better future, with Britain as your friend and ally: show us NOW that you ARE capable of better, that there is the route to the sane future so many hope Europe’s politicians to be capable of making.

We have made our choice: we have served the EU notice!

Now, YOU must choose. You have until April 12th to finally prove to the FREE BRITISH people who you are…

John White, Aslans Army, the Free People of Free Britain, and Freedom loving patriots across the world.


Donald Tusk @eucopresident
Jean Claude Juncker @JunckerEU
Michel Barnier @MichelBarnier
Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron
Martin Schulz @MartinSchulz
Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt
The European Commission @EU_Commission
The European Parliament @Europarl_EN
The European Council @EUCouncil
The Court of Justice of the European Union @EUCourtPress
The European Central Bank @ecb
The Court of Auditors @EUauditors
Nigel Farage @Nigel_Farage
Leave Means Leave @LeaveMnsLeave
RT @RT_com
BBC News @BBCNews
Sky News @SkyNews
Channel 4 News @Channel4News
Sean Hannity @seanhannity
Lionel Media @LionelMedia
Dr Seb Gorka @SebGorka
Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam
Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
Katy Hopkins @KTHopkins
Daily Express @Daily_Express
Westmonster @WestmonsterUK
Rebel Media @TheRebelTV
Politicalite UK @politicalite

^ SIGN THE CHANGE ORG TEXT AND TWEET LINK TO ALL THE ABOVE ACCOUNTS. ALWAYS USE #ThePeoplesBrexit hashtag. Do that and they will be bombarded by hundreds then thousands of organic messages from all directions, impossible to ignore: Give this campaign your very best between now and April 12th especially. EVERY effort counts! Its up to you, to do your bit to make this campaign a triumph for all of us!

#GodSpeedPatriots! #Brexit #WTOBrexit #OurBritainOurBrexit #ThePeoplesBrexit #MBGA #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA

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