"Brother's Keeper"
Tomorrow is another day, a day just like no other.
Affording the chance to help our brother.
Win or lose, either way does not matter
Of bad or good, I would choose the latter.
Helping others, sends ripples to the world,
Each one helping, as goodness and caring swirls.
It’s our destiny; it’s the role we play.
We’re our brothers keepers, to show the way.
So don’t worry; on love our world depends.
Don’t panic; our goodness, the light defends.
So enter in the still and tranquil sea,
Know that you are you, as you’re meant to be.

“Brother’s Keeper”
Jerry E Smith
Sebastien Gabriel

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko

Tomorrow is another day, a day just like no other.
Affording the chance to help our brother.
Win or lose, either way does not matter
Of bad or good, I would choose the latter.
Helping others, sends ripples to the world,
Each one helping, as goodness and caring swirls.
It’s our destiny; it’s the role we play.
We’re our brothers keepers, to show the way.
So don’t worry; on love our world depends.
Don’t panic; our goodness, the light defends.
So enter in the still and tranquil sea,
Know that you are you, as you’re meant to be.
“Brother’s Keeper”
Jerry E Smith
Sebastien Gabriel
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
This .gif was created by @elgeko
Timely thoughts in today's panic-saturated atmosphere.
Thank you @scribblingramma, I think so too. 😎
The world sure could use a lot more of this. Now a days everyone has a mind set of me, me, me . I hope all is good with you during these trying times @jerrytsuseer
Thanks @thebigsweed
I had the hernia repair surgery just over a week ago, so I've been staying home and sleeping a lot due to that, so all this madness with "the virus" isn't really affecting me much; but not wanting to go to the stores because what I need (NOT TOILET PAPER ha ha) would most likely be gone, is rather daunting.
Thank you Bob, I hope you and Robin are doing well. Stay safe.
You may be the only person who doesn't need TP. 😁😁
Good luck with your recovery my friend.
I had a follow up with my surgeon scheduled for this morning (Monday)
He CALLED ME yesterday (Sunday) to cancel, the reason given was that the Emory System had TWO DEATHS on Saturday from the Virus (not reported in any local news outlet I've seen) and the hospital system decided to cancel all none urgent appointments, ESPECIALLY for those (like me) who are in the 'at risk' group.
I am completing my 65th trip around the sun, I have COPD, so that means me.
Y'all stay safe @thebigsweed