Nude Sunday Jogging - Some Helpful Assistance
With the sun now blazing down upon The Hood with the fury of a dozen scorned women, I have been concerned about the safety of the Nude Joggers jogging to the pool for the required Adult Swim. I have formulated my own SPF 2000 sunscreen which may, or may not, contain small or large amounts of cannabis.
As a precaution, I have also opened a snack stand at the pool for all your snacking needs. $2.50 per serving, with a simple convenience fee of $1.00. No large bills and no credit accepted.
The Hood has a Vending and Snack stand policy to avoid any dangers like not enough refined carbs. We are waiving the penalty this time as the sunscreen is making Old Man Jenkins twerk and he hasn't done that in a few years.
Also, the Gardening Society was gossiping about your green thumb at "Rachel's Gluten Free Shop" today.
So much happening in the best Dystopian Utopia ever.
remember, without tons and tons of overbearing rules our McMansions will lose their inflated value and we just can't have that !!!!!
You take Crypto?
Of course! I'm not too proud.
I hear The New Sun will be less harmful to our health than the lame old Sun, despite it being much bigger, closer, hotter, and brighter. Maybe I can requisition massive ordnance to blow up The Old Sun.
Clearly there's an upside for your business somewhere in there. You can put your logo on the rockets maybe? Cheap ad space? I don't know, that's not my Department. I just keep our Perfect Neighborhood safe.
If I could help load the rockets with some of my excess cannabis supply, I may be able to rake in a few extra snacks sales.
lol...that's brilliant sir wwwiebe, the consummate entrepreneur! Hey what is that profile photo, is that supposed to be you hard at work?
Yes! I don't know how else I"m supposed to get everything done! LOL!
It's a constant challenge and yet you still make time for steemit too!