SLC s21 wk :4||A correct eye brows and lip make up||

in The Creative Pulse3 months ago

Hello friend I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to continue participate and submitted my home assignment throughout last three weeks.In week 4 also very good and informative so guys let's start my blog I hope you are being with me till end ❤️.
Before I starting I would like to invite my friends @lirvic ,@dasudi and @roohiasif99 to participate in wonderful learning challenge and share your fabulous experiences in your assignment.Contest post link share here

💄 - Identify your eyebrow type and apply makeup according to its shape, creating a gradient at the beginning of them. Also, show and explain if you used shadows, pomades or any of the existing products to apply makeup.

Well friends my eye brows not too much thick , having little bit curved in center and the thin ending part so need to defined my eye brows properly,I loved to followed teacher,s instructions and tips that she taught in lesson so guys let's start how I made my eye brows more defined and beautiful.


  • By first Filling in the inside of the eyebrow then used eyelashes brush to correct the natural shape then blend the Colour from eye brow brush as you saw in image below :

  • After that I outlined my eyebrows with the help of brush then concealer on upper and lower sides of eye brows.. This time the noticeable change I got on my eye brows look and it's enhance my name up look more clear and perfect,I never knew before this course how to applied concealer after shaping eye brows . is vital chance to my makeup look . Actually correct eye brows shopping very essential it's defined your eye make up.After concealer applied peach colour tone shade one of my favorite shade as I share my experience in images.

During blending and shaping eye brows kept in mind and followed teacher,s tips the 3 places which made your eye brows look more attractive these are starting , middle and end points ,so here is the final presentation of my eye makeup.

💄 - Shows the before, during and after of your lip makeup; performing the process of outlining them to perfect their shape. In addition, it investigates and explains what your lip type is and what is the correct way to make up and outline them whether they are droopy, thin, thick, asymmetrical, among others.


My type of lips are thin and not very voluminous, lips colours enhance your beauty of make up and played very essential soul infact you put correct shade only on your lips instantly your look change 💋 so always take care your lips with moisturizer and applied lip balm twice a day every day specially in winners need more care .


  • After appling lip balm draw out line of my lips with my favorite shade darker shade then filling that will filled .After outline in central part filled up the colour one shade lighter tone with the help of brush the results so shown in images.

I used a shade similar to my lips out line not too much dark tone as same with lipstick shade since dark shades don't suit me, and I took care to line my lips slightly outside the natural line of my lips, thus helping to give my lips a little more volume.


💄- After a while, our makeup products may expire or become unfit for use; research and explain what characteristics to take into account to know when we should throw away these products to avoid future consequences.

Yes we definitely see the expired date before applied products on face in similar manner we took any preservatives food after checked the best before date ,our skin are so delicates and need extra attention and care specially face and neck so never take it lightly some time you faced serious skin problems like pimples or skin rash ,two tone skin and so on so before applying make up never forget to check expiry because may be cause serious problems.we have to do see it over and over again.

The common issues raised when we used out of date makeup the growth of germs and bacteria, causing damage to our skin such as fungus and allergies.when they cause skin disease and faced trouble situations because it's look bad and bed smell and not even look to your make up ,do always used good quality and original make and never forget to check expiry date before used and too old and damage products thrown away from your vanity and should not be used .

Final result of my makeup look selfie with user name and date I hope you like it


So guys it's time to leave please remember me in your prays waiting for next week tasks and lessons I am will definitely more informative and educational week:5 in Steemit learning challenge season 21 meet soon next step.....

Thank you


¡Hola! Que gusto que te hayas animado a participar en el Desafío de Maquillaje.

Observaciones y/o Recomendaciones:

  • Tal como dices, la forma de las cejas podrá cambiar o mejorar nuestro rostro por completo, hiciste un buen trabajo. Mi recomendación es que logres afinar los extremos para que tengas un acabado aún mejor.
  • Delineaste y maquillaste muy bien tus labios, además que el color resalta muy bien con tu tono de piel.
  • Es importante conocer las características que presentan los productos que ya no tienen vida útil para evitar futuras consecuencias en la piel.
Pregunta #013 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #024 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #032 / 2 puntos
Valor total9/10

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Salam Mrs @sualeha😍
You have done the eye and eyebrow makeup very well and Your eyebrows are thin, so you have done a great make-up for have chosen a very nice lipstick color for your lips, the peach color really suits you.Best of luck 🤞.

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