Random Photos From the 1980's
Here are some pictures of Ann's garden in 1989, an AWANA award of Rick, and other random pictures from the 1980's relating to me me and my family.
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Random Photos From the 1980's
Published on 2020-09-11 - Friday
Published in September of 2020
1980-03-08 - Wedding - Don, Marilyn, Portland, OR - My parents
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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1980-08-14 - Don Arnold, daughter Katie
1980-12 - Missionaries to the Jews
1980's maybe - Some kids of who knows who
1981-03-08 - Don, Katie
1981 apx - Katie, Dad
Savings Bond
1983-09-06 - $50 USD Savings Bond - Katie, Lake Grove, OR 97034, Series EE, or Marilyn, checked in 1992.
1983-09-06 - $50 USD Savings Bond - Rick, Lake Grove, OR 97034, Series EE, or Marilyn, checked in 1992
1983-09-06 - $50 USD Savings Bond - Katie and Rick, Lake Grove, OR 97034, Series EE, or Marilyn, checked in 1992.
1983 maybe - Grandma Ann, Alan
1985-08-16 - 163 Front Yard, Nathan, Alan, Katie 5, Ricky
1986 maybe - Rick smiling
1st Place
1988-04-09 - Rick - 1st Place - Event: Sparks - AWANA - Sparks-a-rama - Sparkies - Name: Richard
Ann's Garden
My mom's mom's mom, Ann Pickell's garden in Seattle
Ann's Garden
1989-10-02 - ENVELOPE - Anatha Pickett Letter to Marilyn, Don at 163 to share her flowers, garden.