roger roger 55 is a post with nothing in it...ten four. I am gonna get to that art piece on Monday wanted to let you know incase you were looking forward to some art tonight/today.
It's from a new website I've been hacking together. You'll see soon enough.
Have you ever printed any drawings of yours? It will need a lot of pixels. The original from Instagram doesn't cut it.
And do you want to do it in whole yourself? I guess using the original as a guideline or whatever could cut the work to minimum as possible. I don't want your freetime spent too much on this, I know what its like with million things to do + billion ideas. I think the hair could stay as is as well as it fits the image better.
I also dabbled a little with the song and realized I've might eaten a bit too much here with one bite :D I saw you did something slower and composed(?) already, that's something I could work with probably. I'm total newb after all. It will be shitty...
I like shitty - shitty is usually the start of something beautiful. I was fully committed to doing something nice and whole for the painting. I usually do work for comic companies and indie games so most of my originals are at 300DPI for printing purposes.
I could try for something slower next when the feeling hits me, and you can cut and splice the vocals to fit your music too if you want, whatever, if that makes things easier. I am a noob to this as well so lets just assume its all shit to start and then we won't put expectations on ourselves.
Well, the painting should be ready in 1.5 months. I could give it later also so there's really no hurry. I would probably also print it out to myself also as I personally love the picture. I could place you solely on to my upvote list for a while so you would get rewarded financially also as you're a professional in drawing and I'm noob in music. It's not a fair deal at all.
How much would be a amount you'd be satisfied with? We can't go on with holy spirit and time is money after all.
About the music. Yeah, I'd like to try fitting your vocals to my stuff. Vocals is something that can really add to pieces even in minimal form. If I stumble on something even slightly listenable that way, I'll share it with you.
I'll just finish my coding project first before moving more focus to this. It's near the finish.
Yeah - thanks for being patient with me... Been a little busy with a side contract the last several days.
That would be wonderful if you could support me with a strong upvote for a while. Usually my colored custom paintings in poster sizes range from 250$ to 500$CAD. As this is for a friend and not crazy details I would say the price range would be 120$ without edits if I were to give you a real world fiat quote that is.
That's a lot of upvotes! I'll see to my voting list, it has been in need of rearranging for some time now. I'll set you up with vote always with 100% but it will vote only if my voting power is above 85%, which it should most of the time. I wonder if this kind of paying could be made easier with a website :')
If you just follow the original as close as possible, it wouldn't need any edits. I'm sure. I'd like to give you free reign, but I just like the original so much.
I am actually interested in this type of bartering system. I want to see if over all , this would be sustainable for me if I had a couple contracts sorta paying out like this. Testing to see if this will be a way I could work on steemit. Instead of hopeing for a trending post you know. Maybe the extra voting will help generate more interest from others too. Thanks igster for considering me. I am gonna make something real nice. I am working on other promised work so I will be upping that today and maybe try to get my 1500 follower post completed. Then I am all yours babe.
Let me know if you aren't getting any 100% upvotes from me. I'm using autosteem service and it seems to get stuck at times. I will probably make my own script to do the job on the weekend.
I like it. I am a mellow guy after all. I could work with this, rather than with the previous ones as I'll have to listen to the song a lot in the process! It will take time but I'll try my best. I can already notice you getting better at singing btw.
roger roger 55 is a post with nothing in it...ten four. I am gonna get to that art piece on Monday wanted to let you know incase you were looking forward to some art tonight/today.
It's from a new website I've been hacking together. You'll see soon enough.
Have you ever printed any drawings of yours? It will need a lot of pixels. The original from Instagram doesn't cut it.
And do you want to do it in whole yourself? I guess using the original as a guideline or whatever could cut the work to minimum as possible. I don't want your freetime spent too much on this, I know what its like with million things to do + billion ideas. I think the hair could stay as is as well as it fits the image better.
I also dabbled a little with the song and realized I've might eaten a bit too much here with one bite :D I saw you did something slower and composed(?) already, that's something I could work with probably. I'm total newb after all. It will be shitty...
I like shitty - shitty is usually the start of something beautiful. I was fully committed to doing something nice and whole for the painting. I usually do work for comic companies and indie games so most of my originals are at 300DPI for printing purposes.
I could try for something slower next when the feeling hits me, and you can cut and splice the vocals to fit your music too if you want, whatever, if that makes things easier. I am a noob to this as well so lets just assume its all shit to start and then we won't put expectations on ourselves.
Well, the painting should be ready in 1.5 months. I could give it later also so there's really no hurry. I would probably also print it out to myself also as I personally love the picture. I could place you solely on to my upvote list for a while so you would get rewarded financially also as you're a professional in drawing and I'm noob in music. It's not a fair deal at all.
How much would be a amount you'd be satisfied with? We can't go on with holy spirit and time is money after all.
About the music. Yeah, I'd like to try fitting your vocals to my stuff. Vocals is something that can really add to pieces even in minimal form. If I stumble on something even slightly listenable that way, I'll share it with you.
I'll just finish my coding project first before moving more focus to this. It's near the finish.
Yeah - thanks for being patient with me... Been a little busy with a side contract the last several days.
That would be wonderful if you could support me with a strong upvote for a while. Usually my colored custom paintings in poster sizes range from 250$ to 500$CAD. As this is for a friend and not crazy details I would say the price range would be 120$ without edits if I were to give you a real world fiat quote that is.
That's a lot of upvotes! I'll see to my voting list, it has been in need of rearranging for some time now. I'll set you up with vote always with 100% but it will vote only if my voting power is above 85%, which it should most of the time. I wonder if this kind of paying could be made easier with a website :')
If you just follow the original as close as possible, it wouldn't need any edits. I'm sure. I'd like to give you free reign, but I just like the original so much.
I am actually interested in this type of bartering system. I want to see if over all , this would be sustainable for me if I had a couple contracts sorta paying out like this. Testing to see if this will be a way I could work on steemit. Instead of hopeing for a trending post you know. Maybe the extra voting will help generate more interest from others too. Thanks igster for considering me. I am gonna make something real nice. I am working on other promised work so I will be upping that today and maybe try to get my 1500 follower post completed. Then I am all yours babe.
Just remember you got time. Don't make it feel too much work, take breaks, drink water 😅 I thank you already.
I'll keep the idea in my mind and see it would make sense to automate it and have specific service for setting these kind of deals and locking them.
Let me know if you aren't getting any 100% upvotes from me. I'm using autosteem service and it seems to get stuck at times. I will probably make my own script to do the job on the weekend.
I tried for something a little blues jazzy yesterday not sure if you heard this track yet
had your blues/ jazzy music tastes in mind when trying these vocals. Would you like me to keep trying this style to suite your style/musical tastes?
I like it. I am a mellow guy after all. I could work with this, rather than with the previous ones as I'll have to listen to the song a lot in the process! It will take time but I'll try my best. I can already notice you getting better at singing btw.
I tried for something a little blues jazzy yesterday not sure if you heard this track yet
had your blues/ jazzy music tastes in mind when trying these vocals. Would you like me to keep trying this style to suite your style/musical tastes?