Cute Panda Solar Farm
With great power, comes great responsibilities
Also with Blockchain came Cryptocurrencies, and with Technology comes amazing feats and innovations!
Renewable energy is the purest from of Clean energy, which seems like the future of Civilization. Sure way and the only way to protect and secure Mother Earth dwindling natural resources.
In China, where investment in Solar power has been estimated to be up to Billions of Dollars, a new project modelled after one of the country's valuable animal; The Panda Bear- lays the panda shaped solar farm located in Dantong China. It is a project spearheaded by Panda Green Energy in collaboration with UNDP- United Nations Development Program in an effort to create clean energy that is very much eco-friendly.
A 100 Mega-Watt power plant still in progress(Near completion), where 50 Mega-Watts had been connected to the National Power Grid and will provide over 3.1 Billion Kwh of Green electricity for 25 years once the remaining 50 Mega-Watt is operational.
In an effort to save Mother Earth, this project will cut over 1 Million Tons of Coal Energy which will exponentially slash emissions of Carbon mono-oxide into the atmosphere by about 2.74 Million Tons.
Black parts- Monocrystalline Silicone Solar Cells
The visible black parts of the Panda are Monocrystalline Silicone Solar cells, with Grey and White parts comprising of thin film solar cells.
if only African countries can annex the incredible potentials of solar will be much more better
This is when you always happy to go to work, cos the work environment is gonna be so enticing!