SLC S23 Week4 || Quadrilaterals
Hello Steemians!
Welcome to the fourth week of the Steemit Learning Challenge Season 23, where we will explore more complex geometric figures – quadrilaterals. Adding one more vertex to a triangle introduces many types of quadrilaterals, and this week you will see them all, well, almost all.
Quadrilaterals and Their Properties. Types of Quadrilaterals.
A quadrilateral is a geometric figure consisting of four points (vertices) connected sequentially by four segments (sides). It is important that: 1) no three vertices lie on the same straight line, 2) the sides do not intersect, 3) the extension of a side does not cross other sides.
We randomly place four points A, B, C, D (the vertices of the quadrilateral) and connect them sequentially: AB, BC, CD, DA (these are the sides of the quadrilateral).
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Sides intersect | Extension of a side intersects another side | Three vertices on the same line |
Not quadrilaterals |
A quadrilateral can also be constructed using a polygon if it is necessary to highlight the interior of the quadrilateral with a fill. (However, it is often necessary to do this with the edges as well when presenting the result.)
The segments connecting opposite vertices are called diagonals.
If we consider a quadrilateral as two triangles, the sum of the quadrilateral's angles is 360 degrees.
Types of Quadrilaterals
Among quadrilaterals, two large groups can be distinguished – parallelograms and trapezoids.
The definition of a parallelogram can be given in several ways (in which case the others become theorems that need to be proven).
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel.
To construct a parallelogram in GeoGebra, we place three points A, B, and C, while the fourth vertex is obtained through construction.
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We create the sides AB and BC of the quadrilateral | We draw a line through point A parallel to BC | And through point C, we draw a line parallel to AB. |
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The constructed lines will intersect at point D, the fourth vertex of the quadrilateral | We will hide the lines used for construction | We will draw the segments AD and CD. |
After this definition, we can prove that in a parallelogram:
- Opposite sides are equal.
- Opposite angles are equal.
- Adjacent angles sum up to 180 degrees.
- The diagonals bisect each other at their intersection point.
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral in which two sides are parallel.
The parallel sides AD and BC are called the bases of the trapezoid. AB and CD are its legs.
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Arbitrary trapezoid | Right trapezoid | Isosceles trapezoid |
If in a trapezoid one of the legs is perpendicular to the base, then such a trapezoid is called a right trapezoid (figure 2).
If the legs of the trapezoid are equal, then such a trapezoid is called an isosceles trapezoid (figure 3). In an isosceles trapezoid, the diagonals are equal and the angles at the bases are equal.
To construct a trapezoid in GeoGebra, I will also take three points. I will place points A and D at the bottom, and point B a little higher. The point C can be placed arbitrarily, but it must lie on a parallel line.
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We place three points A, B, and D, and construct the two sides AD and AB | Next, we draw a line through point B parallel to AD | Finally, we place point C on this line |
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We draw the sides BC and CD | Next, we copy the style of segment AB to the new segments | We hide the line, and point C can now be freely moved |
A few more things about trapezoids:
In a trapezoid, there are also diagonals AC and BD. If the trapezoid is isosceles, its diagonals are equal. The angles at each base will also be equal.
If we mark the midpoints of the legs in a trapezoid, the segment that connects them is called the midline of the trapezoid. This line is parallel to the bases and is equal to half the sum of their lengths.
A rectangle is a parallelogram in which all the angles are equal. Therefore, the angles of a rectangle are 90 degrees. A rectangle also has the property that its diagonals are equal.
If all sides of a parallelogram are equal, it is a rhombus. A rhombus has the following properties:
- The diagonals of a rhombus intersect at a right angle.
- The diagonals of a rhombus are the bisectors of its angles.
I believe everyone knows about a square, but did you know that a square is all these quadrilaterals combined – a parallelogram, a rectangle, and a rhombus (and a trapezoid, although no one really calls it that)?
So, a square has sides equal like a rhombus, and angles equal like a rectangle. The same goes for the diagonals – they are perpendicular like in a rhombus, and equal like in a rectangle.
This time, you can choose: either complete 5 tasks or complete 2 tasks.
Easy Task Option:
- Build a parallelogram, demonstrate its elements and properties.
- Build a trapezoid, demonstrate its elements and properties.
- Build a rhombus, demonstrate its elements and properties.
- Build a rectangle, demonstrate its elements and properties.
- Build a square, demonstrate its elements and properties.
For all tasks: 1.8 points.
Additional point for aesthetic appearance, accuracy, and neatness of drawings, labels, and annotations: 1 point.
Total: 5 * 1.8 + 1 = 10 points.
Harder Task Option:
Repeat the above.
1 (5point) Build an isosceles trapezoid, similar to (or the same as) the one shown in this animation. I freely move the vertices C and D, and the trapezoid changes its size but remains isosceles. The key is the change in size and proportions of the trapezoid, but it always remains isosceles.
2 (5point) Given a segment – the diagonal of a rectangle. Build a rectangle with the given diagonal.
Describe the construction process in detail, so that others can learn to build as well based on your task.
Rules for Participation
Title of your work: SLC S23 Week4 || Quadrilaterals
You can publish your work in any language, in any community, or simply in your own blog. Add the link to your work below as a comment.
To help me quickly find, review, and evaluate your work, leave the link in the comment under this text, and in your work, use the tag #gwgg-slc23w4
Each task response must include at least one image and one video (GIF) demonstrating the process of construction/solving. (if without gif, then several images explaining the process)
You can use tools like GifCam as I did.
Note: The video/GIF will have the most significant impact on the evaluation.
Plagiarism and the use of AI are prohibited.
Participants must be verified and active users of the platform.
All images used must belong to the author or be free of copyright. (Don’t forget to credit the source.)
Participants must not use any bot services for voting or engage in vote buying.
Recommend your friends to participate.
Submission Period: From Monday (March 10/2025), to Sunday (March 16/2025).
Your work will be reviewed, commented on, and evaluated by me. Four best works will be selected.
Good luck 🍀 on your task!
My entry:
Thank you for publishing a learning post in the Teachers and Students community.
I think the harder tasks will take less time than simple ones 😂. Let's try this new thing and I am confuse in choosing what to build the simple ones or the harder ones.
OMG 😱 this looks very complex. Looking forward to seeing you working on this after SLC.
It will be something like "Do this" or "Repeat after me" or "Can you do it?" - in response to such an animation, you should do this and describe the sequence of actions on how to achieve this.
It looks like I will repeat after you depending upon the situation.
Well well well, it looks like I got the chance to be the first to join again.
Hello @sergeyk, below you can find my latest "creation":
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia
Hello @sergeyk, here is my entry:
Here is my entry:
Hello sir!
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