Perennial flowers: here are the most beautiful to have in the garden
What are perennial flowers? If you do not yet know them, know that they are plants whose growth does not stop after a limited period of time as happens with other types, such as annual or biennial ones, and that they continue to bloom twice in a year of life.
The perennial flowers are in fact all those varieties that continue to live for a long, long time and bloom every year: primrose, heather, lavender, hydrangea and herbs are just some of the species that you should have in your garden. These flowers usually belong to herbaceous species, but they can also be part of the aromatic plants, such as sage, which shows its wonderful purple flowers every year at the same time.
The only "contraindication", if you choose to plant them in your garden, is that they attract insects - especially bees and butterflies - much more than other flowers.
Curious then to discover what are the most beautiful and colorful perennial flowers to choose from to embellish your garden all year round? Here are listed here!
One of the most beautiful perennial flowers in absolute is the Elleboro, also called "Christmas Rose". Elleboro belongs to the Ranunculacee family and is native to Europe, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. This extremely resistant plant blooms in both winter and spring and produces beautiful flowers of different colors: the most common are white, pale yellow, pink and purple.
The fragrant lavender is another flower to be included in the list of perennial plants. It is part of the Lamiaceae family, and is made up of small purple ears with tiny little flowers that last all year round. Lavender is an aromatic shrub that can grow both in cultivation and spontaneously: if you love its essence, you'll have to get a shape to plant it in your garden.
From the kitchen to the drawers, discover all uses of lavender HERE>>>>.
Primula is another flower among the perennial plants, belonging to Primulacee, which includes about 400 different types and variants: different heights, basal leaves with sessile or petiolate rosettes, flowers united in umbrellas, flower heads, bunches or vertically superimposed. Also with regard to colours, Primula presents myriads of shades, often combined with each other: red, yellow, orange, orange, pink, purple, white, light blue, blue.
Hydrangea, commonly known as Ortensia, is a kind of perennial flower that includes within it several species of woody plants called shrubs. The Ortensia is known in particular for the beauty of its flowers, which develop into spherical inflorescences, called corymbos. These flowers usually develop in white, but can vary in three other colors: blue-purple, pink, pale green. The Ortensia is a very resistant plant that can last for many years and continue to flourish periodically towards the middle of summer.