Improve Yourself By Improving Your Surroundings
Every person has the option to win, their attitude towards success decides if they can be winers or not. You can win by yourself (by fighting with your surroundings) or by changing your surroundings and acquiring people that inspire you. If you have "friends" just for fun, which can't help you improve in any way possible, you'll get dragged down along with them and your improvement will stop, you will be in a constant struggle with your environment (which is not suited for you) and this situation will make it very hard to succeed.
In order to improve and reach your goals you need to change your surroundings for the better, this means finding people with similar goals which all contribute to your goal and vice versa, finding people who are better than you in some aspect in which you want to improve, people that will compliment your success and appreciate you for it, but also people that will critique you when you are wrong, people with a moral compass similar to your, people with good habits and discipline.
These types of people should be your friends, don't surround yourself with bad people just to prove you're smart among them, surround yourself with smarter people so that you can rise even higher. The best way to win is together with the help of allies and partnerships, no one can do everything alone (they can until they reach a certain level which can't be surpassed alone), so pick your allies wisely, knowing you can trust them. Don't just pick good people pick the best, they aren't hard to find you just need to look.
Have A Great Day @Steemitwarrior