Kupang State Graduation Polytechnic
Kupang State Graduation Polytechnic

These graduates come from various departments on the campus, including tourism, accounting, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.

Before 7:00 a.m., graduates start arriving at the graduation location complete with graduation clothes.
They are accompanied by both parents or family.
The entrance to the campus seemed full of cars that took the graduates.

However, only graduates and families of the best graduates were accommodated in the auditorium, while other family members sat under a tent outside the auditorium.
Even most families don't get a seat.
They were forced to stand alone even though they all appeared in show clothes.
There must be some who fall later. We who are still young are fine. Fear of these elders, complained a family member.

Around the arena there were also many photo studios that were held to serve requests for graduate photos.
At the time this report was written, the graduates were called into the auditorium according to their respective departments. They seemed to line up neatly from the front of the auditorium.
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