Various benefits of patchouli leaves that are rarely known by many people
Hi Steemian Friends.
Minangkabau patchouli is a shrub-shaped plant, annual, 1-2 m high, woody stem, grooved, hairy, akeh-segmented, dark white mustard green fill enom. Single leaf, endhog round, pointed tip, blunt base, serrated edge, boned gun, hairy experience, 6-7 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, green top surface, purplish green bottom surface. Compound flowers, white. Small seeds, brown. Taproot, brownish white.
Patchouli plants can be propagated using cuttings. Fresh patchouli leaves can be used as a hair wash. While the leaves that are already forehead can be used to eliminate body odor. In the Philippines patchouli leaf shoots are used as an insecticide, to repel cockroaches, moths, and ants. Patchouli leaf juice can be used to repel leeches. In Kashmir patchouli oil is used to perfume scarves and carpets.
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