¿Is the Woman a Puppet?
I think it is not entirely an exaggeration to say that if until about thirty years ago the puppet theater was written basically in masculine, with some important exceptions, in recent decades and especially since our entry into the 21st century, this trend has been changing for arrive at a situation I do not know if the opposite, but in any case it is balanced in terms of the gender of its participants, and with a tendency to tip the balance on the feminine side
As the many stories of the theater have well shown, the presence of women on stage has generally been an anomaly, often bordering on secrecy. In other words, to do theater, many women had to pose as men. A situation that could not be different in the puppet theater.
Today presents happy news in this field. As it was said at the beginning, today the gender balance in puppets is surely already a reality. Of course, much remains to be done and that, in certain countries, things remain as unbalanced as they used to be. But reality seems to lean on the side of women, who are increasingly present in the puppetry stages of the West as well as in the associative hierarchies of this art.