My Engagements on 25/05/2021-The Diary Game
Hello Everyone!!!
It was a cloudy day to start off. It was the “Wesak” days filled week, where Buddhist people commemorate the Lord Buddha’s the birth, the attainment of enlightenment and the passing away. Every year people celebrate this day with lots of love, peace and happiness. But unfortunately due to the current situation prevailing in Sri Lanka; the problematic economic crisis and the political crisis, the Sri Lankan people had to strict these celebrations up to some extent.

Somehow, it was not a good day for me also because even in this holiday, my husband also had to go for work. So I started my daily routine with my little baby boy and me and my mother bathed our baby as soon as the sunlight hits.
After baby slept I cleaned the house,had a quick bath and had my lunch.
In the evening my husbund came and started to decorate the house as it was the day before wesak. Because of the busy schedules, this time we couldn’t make Wesak lanterns, but some how we managed to bring some lanterns from outside. My husbund decorated the house very beautifully and colourfully.

In the evening we lighted up our decorations and we watched the beauty of it before we went to worship to our nearby temple.
In the temple we worshipped Lord Buddha and then we went on to the Colombo city Wesak decorations in our vehicle.
It is very sad to say that, due to the economic crisis in the country there were not much decorations,Dansals etc.Somehow we managed to enjoy our journey by looking at the beautiful decorations that was being set up on our way.

On our way we saw a beautiful digital Wesak lantern at my Husbund’s work place.
Before we went home we went to a nearby restaurant and had our dinner.
So this is how my day went on and everyone of my family enjoyed the beauftiful wesak day very much.
Thank you!!!