Steem Women Club Community Contest #10 HAIR CARE ' | Rice and banana mask
✨¡Hola comunidad de steemit women! ✨
✨Hello community of steemit women! ✨
Today I introduce myself: my name is Fabiana González, I am from Cumaná, Venezuela, I am 17 years old and at this moment I am studying telecommunications engineering. Today I am entering this beautiful contest that encourages us to care for and pamper our hair more than usual, through natural treatments. This time I bring a capillary hydration that all the women in my family use, it is our beloved "rice and banana mask", they are ingredients that we have at home and that are easily acquired. I decided to give it to my sister to give the example of dyed hair but you can try it on any type of hair

Rice is an accessible ingredient, very effective and rich in key nutrients to leave hair straighter, longer and shiny, as well as being rich in antioxidants that repair cell damage. Like the banana that has a little of everything, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, B12, E and A. The combination of both ingredients is beneficial for unmanageable, brittle and non-growing hair. Thanks to all this it is a potential mask, so let's get to work!

We start preparing the mixture by letting 1 cup of rice rest with 2 cups of warm water overnight. By doing so, the rice is spoken to a certain point where it can be ground.

The next day we mash the banana and the rice, forming a paste, then we combine it. It is not necessary for the grain of rice to disintegrate completely, a few strokes with the fork is enough.

The next thing we must do is divide the hair and start the application. It is important that the mixture is applied by strands, so we will have a better result.
We finish by collecting the hair in one direction only, we put a plastic bag or bathing cap; this so that the heat activates the natural and hydrating components of both ingredients. We can let it act for 30 minutes or a maximum of 1 hour.

The last step would be to rinse with enough water, we wash our hair as we usually do, we wait for it to dry or we help it with a dryer and we are done!

The change that we notice in photos is incredible, but to the touch it is even more noticeable ... A fiber is fully hydrated, with more health and shine .. Just what we need!. I hope you liked it and try it at home, it goes great with all types of hair!

Invito a @ivanni @cristzullysg
I invite @ivanni @cristzullysg
I have approved your participation in the contest. I am so glad you took the time to take care of your hair. Every woman deserves care. Your hair shines beautifully. I am glad you shared the useful information with us. Thank you very much for participating in the competition :) I chose it as the quality post of the day. We Are Stronger Together!
Enormemente agradecida por su bienvenida. Que bueno que les haya gustado... ¡Un honor ser parte de esta comunidad!
Buen tratamiento, el platano e s un gran aliado para nuestra belleza
saludos y suerte ene concurso
Así es bella. Suerte para ti también!
Hola linda que lindo y se nota la diferencia, se ve muy práctica esta mascarilla tengo que probarla no sabía eso del arroz. Muchas gracias por participar
Sii, y lo mejor es que va genial con todo tipo de cabello. ¡Saludos!