The @steemph.antipolo Blogging Workshop - 06
This week's Workshop was all about consistency in posting with regularity and interaction within the community – because its only though consistency that we develop genuine followers.

his week's Workshop was all about consistency in posting with regularity and interaction within the community – because its only though consistency that we develop genuine followers.
In 2013, at a Ted Convention, Google Founder Matt Cutts discussed the importance of taking on a thirty-day challenge. In his presentation, he explained how anyone can create a new habit, or get rid of an old one simply though committing to 30-days of pushing for that goal.
Everyone is looking for a short cut, an easy way to make money online -- and there is nothing new to this goal. But the problem is that many people assume that it is easier than making money in a brick and Mortar business. The problem with this thinking, is that no matter what you do, you have to work hard at what you do, you have to be consistent, reliable and trustworthy.
So what does this mean?
It means that if you want to make money online -- Steemit is no exception -- then you have to consistently post genuine, unique and well-informed information that other people can trust. More importantly, you have to do this with consistency. You cannot make one post today, another post in a week, then 4 posts in a day, another couple days before the next post, and so on.
Followers are impatient, and if you are not posting regularly, if you are not posting in a way that the follower can roughly estimate the next post, then they will simply stop following you -- then you start losing money. If you built your own blog, it could more than six months to start generating any money. When you first start off with Steemit, you start generating money with your first post.
This is where many make their first biggest mistake -- they wait a week for their first payout before posting again. If an author would focus on creating regular, quality and unique content, then the income is a mere result of that effort.
In line with this, we started a 30-day challenge, and are asking all S/A members to add one, unique post per day, and in return, I will evenly divide one thousand pesos into equal votes through SmartSteem or MinnowBooster.
GOOD LUCK on your 30-Day Challenges!
You received an upvote as your post was selected by the Community Support Coalition, courtesy of @steemph.antipolo
@arabsteem @sevenfingers @steemph.antipolo
Thank you onec again @steemph.antipolo for your continued support, and for the amazing upvote from @arabsteem and @sevenfingers.
Bro what is steemph tell me i want to know
It is an online community dedicated to helping Filipino Steemians