Taking criticism positively isn't my strong suit (hold that thought), I can imagine I'm not alone on that one and many people feel the same emotions when things don't go there way. Learning from our mistakes is what we need to do, but do we really learn from them? Not all the time that's for sure. When I first landed here my expectations were mixed and I had no idea how will I face the difficulties of understanding @steemit platform plus all other cryptocurrencies in a "nutshell" with new stuff coming in almost daily. Also had to work on my English grammar since it's been a while that I visited high-school. I know, far from perfect.
Nothing is perfect
Support of others is what will keep you around here, or patience for that matter. Grind, share quality content, communicate, find people that share the same visions, in my opinion, that's the key to success if you start as @minnow fish.
When people first started putting me on auto-vote I felt super excited, motivated and proud of myself for achieving that with no prior "blogging skills" whatsoever. Obviously, I tried very hard to make it work, it was a learning curve and it still is. My fascination with blockchain and coins, in general, grew expediently in the last 8 months or so and that's probably the reason why this next thing happened...
Taking focus off letters and putting it onto numbers
Trying to accumulate as much money as possible in short period of time is never a good suggestion. Quality over quantity drives this community, I feel like I left my followers down in the past few months. Sorry guys, this reflects how certain people stopped supporting my blogs, put me off auto-vote and the numbers continue to fall lower. :sad face
Taking criticism positively isn't my strong suit
That said, I can at least take it in huge doses. As human beings we face diversity through our whole life, I've been dealing with it pretty much from the day I came out of my mother really. Taking shots to the chin ain't nothing new to me, I never back down! We win or we learn so I'm learning yet again. I will try my best to go back to the roots and again offer this community something useful for a change, lolz!
Everyone thank you, I'l finish this with a quote from a well-known tennis player back in the day Arthur Ashe that goes...
― Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Until next time, thanks for stopping by! I upvote cool comments so go for it, any upvote or resteem is much appreciated! Take care & stay awesome!
Bro just do what you feel like to do! Most of the followers are anyway not true followers so there is no apology from your side needed! If you have time tomorrow let's have a chat on discord I like to tell you some stuff and I am sure you will like it ;)
Thanks for the piece... "Quality over quantity drives this community ", when will focus on the quality of our post, quantity which is the upvotes will come following.
Bro just do what you feel like to do! Most of the followers are anyway not true followers so there is no apology from your side needed! If you have time tomorrow let's have a chat on discord I like to tell you some stuff and I am sure you will like it ;)
Thanks brotha for your awesome support! I know, but it sucks losing the ones that were:=) Okay sure, Ill be there in the morning!
No prob bro you support me all the time as well and besides that your are a cool friend. Okay cool talk to ya in the morning :))
Cream always rises to the top!
Thanks for the piece... "Quality over quantity drives this community ", when will focus on the quality of our post, quantity which is the upvotes will come following.
No problem, and well said! Cheers!