Spinvest Off Platform Investments. What is Paper Silver?
Hello Steemverse errrrrr Hives?
Maybe I should say:
Dear Reader,
Some time ago I joined the @spinvest club, so that I could invest some of my STEEM earnings, earn a 20% profit on my investment (not a promise, but a goal) and learn more about investments while watching the "pros." The premise of the club was simple, build STEEMPOWER as a community, lease the STEEMPOWER for a profit, and use the profit to reinvest.
The re-investments were to be platform and off platform based
Since then, we have invested in Steemleo, Neoxian, Splinterlands, STEEMCity, and more on chain projects.
We have also invested on off-chain projects.
The point of investing off chain, was to diversify our assets
Instead of putting all our proverbial eggs in one basket (STEEM) we would put investments off the chain, as well as on the chain and diversify.
Just like there is power in decentralization, there is power in diversification.
Let's say STEEM sinks, which it did, this week. Our other assets, help carry the weight of our investment, and the overall health of our club stays up.
Thanks to our off platform investments, the SPINVEST token, which is currently supposed to be 1:1 with STEEM is actual 1.05:1 with STEEM. Yes "Dear Reader" if you are looking for a "good" investment, go buy some @spinvest tokens at 1 STEEM before the price gets recalculated.
Not financial advice of course, just a suggestion, you should always do your own research before investing and never invest more than you can lose
I decided to take a more active role in the club, and start writing a once per week post on our off blockchain investments and guess what I found?
I don't really know what they are.
Kinda embarrassing for someone who cheerleads for the @spinvest club.
After digging through posts, I found TWO of platform investment.
Bitcoin and Silver Paper
What the heck is silver paper?
Silver backed paper is a paper that reflects the price of silver. It is a better investment for a club, and actually holding SILVER because, well, where would we keep the silver?
According to what I learned, we have 7 oz worth of paper silver and our paper is backed by actual silver.
Still, there are many different types of paper silver, so I have to do due diligence, and report back on what we actually have, when we bought it, and how we are keeping it.
I know this post is not as informative as I first meant it to be, but still, I hope it is perfect for those who are barely getting into investing and want to learn more about our options together
I will be doing more research, finding more out, and giving a more detailed report.
WIll be reporting on the health of @spinvest's off platform investment, Paper Silver, very soon.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
Are you a silver investor? Please feel free to drop some comments or helpful links, I am actively looking for more info and would appreciate being posted in the right direction

Posted via Steemleo
Whew, that published before I was ready to. Making minor edits now :)
Posted via Steemleo
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And I thought silver paper was what my chewing gum was wrapped in when I was a kid!
Posted using Partiko Android
@metzli - perfect for first time investors, we'll all be on the journey with you 😎
I invest in silver usually by buying 1 once coins from mints of good reputation like this one.
There is no better way than buying physical silver!
But there are numerous other possibilities to invest in silver, even here on Steem:
And last not least the Steemsilverrounds:
But for spinvest, I would not recommend - there is no functional market for those coins. Could be a good investment, but the risk is high.
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