Censorship Tsunami headed this way! Decentralized crypto-based private solutions exist!
If you didn't before, now you know mainstream censorship is real. And not random or accidental. And you know it's getting worse all the time. You know the big tech companies are colluding to delete (or shadowban) the truth from the people.
You know it isn't being done for mere monetary gain - these people can create trillions from thin air. The reason for controlling the narrative is to keep a chosen elite few in power and secrecy. To keep you (or at least enough of your fellow human) ignorant of reality so they can continue to control things and plunder the planet's resources. You know the end goal is to have humanity captured in a Matrix-like control grid, and delete the non-chosen, which includes us. We're not in the big club.
Why are we using the CIA's own spy programs, Google and FaceBook (and their subsidiaries YouTube and Twitter)? 4 or 5 people control the entire human narrative right now, and we don't think that's weird? You KNOW we should delete our accounts now, while we still can. Once they delete you, they get to keep your data forever, but you never get to see it again. You know there won't be any warning. You know you didn't read the terms of service. And you know they're abusing you.
"If only there was someplace else!"
Does nobody bother to check? It's 2019 (almost 2020), and there are excellent replacements for YouTube now. Please, stop spreading disinformation and keeping people stuck on Big Tech's sites! While it's true that for years, there was almost nothing out there, as they purge millions of good people, other platforms have been building up quickly!
Flote.app is impressive. Please, if you haven't signed up, CHECK IT OUT!

Your chosen username is probably still available, but the site has gone from 1000 to 10000 in just the few weeks that I've been there, and it's about to explode, especially as YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter continue to censor and delete content and users who go against the narrative or spread knowledge dangerous to the status quo.
It's optimized both for mobile and desktop users, so don't be put off by the "app" if you're like me and aren't Smart.
Correction: I said yesterday that Flote posts didn't seem to be permanent. That wasn't true - Flote posts ARE permanent! I confirmed this with the staff today. So that's great news, posts don't get deleted after a certain amount of time (like videos on DTube, for example).
So I'm very excited about Flote. It feels like PowWow (by John McAfee's Tribal Voice) did! Anyone else remember that?!

Flote is like PowWow in 1997. It's like MSN was in 2003, all the features, before the downgrades and bugs. It's like the Steem blockchain was back in 2016. It's like Napster was in 1999 - remember how useful, easy, and powerful it was? THAT is how Flote feels! Like a personal Renaissance. Empowering.
It's organic.
You can go viral. There are tons of real people there. You can find your niche. And the blockchain-based code itself is really clean, functional, minimalistic. Videos, encrypted private messages, audio files, privacy, no algorithms deciding what you see, built-in Bitcoin wallet (optional), monetization for content-creators, yet completely free for all users.
Like FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter, Patreon, and several other big sites SHOULD have been, and COULD have been... done right, and all rolled into one.
I kid you not. And no, I'm not paid/compensated for making this post. I just believe in word of mouth advertising when something is worthwhile. I don't support or endorse many things, but I do Flote!
Once you have an account, please follow me!

You KNOW the stakes are high. We need to get off these big tech sites, and this is a way to do it. We need to network, but it's got to be decentralized, for the people. Flote is being done right, and it's blossoming as a result. Let's recognize real value, get involved, contribute, build, grow, survive and thrive.
Don't do nothing! We need to act, now. NOW! If you're waiting for a signal, THIS IS IT!!