Flowers at Sister's House with Fragrant Fragrance
Assalamualaikum wr wb...ok all steemit friends are back with me of course at [email protected] are you all friends...Alhamdulillah I hope you are always healthy and given happiness
On this occasion on Friday around 10 am I want to write something that will amaze you all... because again today at the end of 2021 I am on vacation at my sister's house in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Here I want to convey about the steemit flower plant when I came here last Sunday I was only in his house and sometimes when he went out he was always busy without paying attention to the situation around my sister's house
Well, as you can see above, that's the situation that I didn't that really true, it's a flower..a very beautiful flower
These flowers are flowers that I have never seen before because as far as I know these flowers have a fairly expensive price
Those at that price are very reasonable because the flower has a fragrance that makes my sense of smell fall in love with it
Oky That's all about flower plants at my sister's house with a fragrant smell today, thank you for supporting me on the steemit platform, keep the spirit of making and conveying information about garden steemit
Photography Category
Pictures Flower
Location Medan, Indonesia
Photographer @teukuramaalfatih
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