#sir I'm want to know #pi currency is real or fake for gain knowledge #steemitcryptoacadmy
Hi, my name is Saqlain I'm hope so you are all fine and enjoy your with your lifepatner and family. Today I'm want now about pi currency is fake or real . One day I meet with my friend he said to me pi app install it's look like a crypto currency the owner off pi and other people discus about his price and the final the price in early time the said to me if you are invite a person you will earn some point the add in your currency rating but a one friend said to me the pi currency is fake is a totally fakness if you download app you won't earn anything but you give benefit to app developer and company but I can see mostly people Were handle this type of deases. So I'm want to ask you this question and tell about this deasse. But I'm can't see any one get earn in this site please clear my problem SteemitCRyptoACademy.