Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 2 | homework post for @levycore | an introduction to non-fungible | by @loveth01.
Thanks to professor @levycore for this lecture this homework ask us to describe one popular project that uses NFT.
for this assignment I will be taking about SuperRare.
SuperRare is a non fungible token market place and a decentralized social network. it is among the top ranking NFT art marketplace, it got it name from the fact that it sells only single edition of items. it was founded in 2017 by John Crain, and Johnathan Perkins with their Head quarter in Newark, Delaware.
SuperRare is place where people that loves digital art can connect and come together, it earns its strength and security from ethereum blockchain hence it is built on the ethereum blockchain. it a marketplace for single editions of digital artwork that uses an ERC-721 token that is cryptographically secured and can be tracked to represent each of the digital artwork. SuperRare allow it to be easy for artist all round the world to create, sell and collect rare or scares digital art
In this platform artist will create an art and tokenize it meaning link it with a token (non- fungible token) this art can be sold, hold or brought as a long term investment SuperRare did not just sell art anyhow what happened is that the artist will either put their artwork for auction-style bidding process or sell it for a set price. after the work has been sold it can be resold at any price bases on the NFT platform variety but the creator i.e the artist will continue to earn a fee as as long as the work is been sold over and over again
SuperRare mission for this digital age is to form a fit economy
How it works
Artist upload their digital work the platform will use ethereum blockchain to certifies the digital artwork to avoid fraud and offer to trace. the artist will have to paid a percentage of commission before they can upload their artwork on the platform, on any art sales the company earns a 3% transaction fee with the 15% gallery fee from the primary sales
Although there are still alot of structural issue facing their mainstream adoption because of their large scalability issue with ethereum mainnet which it operate on. one thing about SuperRare smart contract platform is that it allows art to release limited edition
Things you can do to be accepted as an artist on SuperRare platform.
1 .Be able to prove your identity as the original artist.
2 .Promote your art on social media.
3 .Have an original, consistent style.
4 .Pick a favorite platform and stick to them.
5 .Get involved in the community.
6 .Don't be discouraged.
GUI feature on the SuperRare platform.
The NFI art platform has various similar social media features that give a user an experience from them to easily navigate. SuperRare provide a simple and chic graphical users interface (GUI) features. this is part of the options on the SuperRare platform.
1 .Activities page ÷ display a personalized new feed of NFT token.
2 .Features page ÷ to help artist display their work.
3 .Market page ÷ to discover all unique NFT art work available on the platform.
4 .Community tab ÷ display SuperRare social media platform
Where can a SuperRare artworks be purchase.
it can be purchase through opensea.
Pixura platform
Is a non-technical web interface that was formed to help users to build track and exchange crypto collectibles allowing user to create their own personal NFT marketplace with just few minutes and also allow users create a token giveaway.
In conclusion
SuperRare is a platform for art lovers and artist to show and display their work for people to see and admired. although the project is just starting but it has been able to attract large online community and gain attention of the crypto media
Thanks to professor @levycore this is my homework entry.
Unfortunately the time for submissions has run out
With due respect sir, you said submission is from 19th-25th and by Nigeria time it is not yet 26th. Is it that we cannot submit on 25 of April I just want to know so that next time I will not make the same mistake.
Times is based UTC
Okay sir, thanks.