
Hello steemians welcome once again to my blog I'm very excited to participate in the homework task of @levycore, thank you in advance professor as you review it later.


Topic: Describe one popular project that uses NFT

Before I proceed I will like you to know what is NFT, it actually means non fungible token, NTFs is Decentralized are tokens that are basically used to clear notification of ownership's in this tense creating partnership with the holder of the crypto itself.

Just as the name implies Non fungible token one thing you should understand is that it cannot be refunded after it has been interchanged courtesy the fact that it is built on technological blockchain and it isn't controlled by any central authority.

In this this case just like other cryptos in general but for this one it is non interchangable, non fungible that's the nature of their uniqueness and that's the key reason why it's attributes are totally genuine.

Other cryptocurrencies e.g Bitcoin have related cryptos like Litecoin, doge coin, all related as well but non fungible token, thus it's behavior is like a world preservable assets, tickets, of games that is been played and collective items in general.

How NFT works

Digital assets technology works side by side with non fungible token in this regard smaller pieces are not inter exchanged but are been placed on a surface at which they tend to work.

Division of course you can't divide what is inter exchangable into different facets online what we have in Litecoin, Bitcoin, and all the rest Decentralized cryptos. Remember smaller unit of Bitcoin is called Satoshi.

NFT have different platforms namely

  • Crypto-kitties and

  • Decentraland

The both revolves around NFT basically an Etherium blockchain which is popularly known as ERC- 721. One thing you should know is that signing of smart contract bootress the strength of a blockchain to strive independently.

Tron also support's NTF blockchain technology which tend to assist both non fungible and fungible token to strive independently without any form of obstruction. One thing you should note is that this has to deal with Decentralized nature of crypto, so if it cannot be subdivided there is always room for adequate profit making.

Attributes of NFT

The unique attributes are very clear as it distinguishes from other cryptos in this case it isn't interchangable and other rare cryptos like Bitcoin and all the rest are.

  • Indivisibility

Just as the name implies indivisibility is a process at which an object/materials can't be divided into parts, equating this to NFS what it educationally implies is that NFS cannot be bought then the buyer expecting to make a fixed percentage.

It requires buying in a fixed volume e.gthe non interchangable token of 70, cannot be subdivided by 50, and then you expect to make a fixed profit of 40%, per annum.

  • Lack of NFS

Scarscity sometimes is not very important as it makes perhaps details attention of NFS on this case investors will then be forced to produce supplies of all the assets within their power on order to downvote the total number of disabled items in the block-chain existence, the items are then going to be ratiolized by 1:1.

  • Unique

NFT is drastically designed in such a model that tends to make a unique interaction since it interchangable, inner insight mandates each NFT permanent and the record that tend to discribe the authenticity of their certificate that is been drafted out.

NFS is all ramifications works in unism what do I mean the Decentralization that it assumes makes it predominantly acquirable to a fixed point of what this means is that the model of adoption is totally different from other cryptocurrencies around the globe

Key potential's of NFT in Defi Ecosystem

The union coming together of NFT and Dedi is key as they both tends to collaborate with each other on order to form a Defi adoption of cryptocurrencies that aren't controlled by anyone in general is been signed in the ecosystem at large.

It adoption paves way to fascinating the profit making structure in the ecosystem, technology in this regard plays a very huge roll in this facet as the block-chain is been technically gifted.


Monitization effort in this regard sends a strong signal industry and makes gaming procedures profitable to the items that the investor tends to monitize.

Any Decentralized system seemes to be a perfect example of a gambling Defi platform, gaming co-operate with NFT and Defi technology that is Decentralized the realistic of the model of the network been used to creating a language most suitable to explore, play games in order to gain some cool cash.

Popular project that uses NFT

  • Crypto-punk's

The expanciation of the overall total number of crypto projects is on a high side the NFT of cryptos are also expanciating. Crypto-punk's is an old platform that has traded crypto currencies before the initiation of NFT it was launched in June 2007.


I really like the way the features where generated randomly to be precise and it's style suites the chain the main interesting thing is that pigtails and chicks and other valuables where all instituted

  • Lab dapper

Etherium blockchain instigated with crypto-kitties to fascinating the different projects that is designed to take place in the technical ecosystem, in this platform cryptos where sold for different amounts.

Cryptos fluctuates meaning it can never have a fixed amount that means the NFS has authoritatively been one of the best crypto fungible project capitalization around within at this particular time of asking.

The value Dapp commands nowbis quiet recommendable reports has it that within the month of #April till date DApps has been involved in the attraction of over $780, worth of smart contract.


Hi @kingcent, thank for submitting your homework.


Kindly dig more about the homework.

Rating : 3

I think this eating is poor for this post I wrote. I wrote more than some people you scored 6.

True you wrote much more. But you did not really show up with the real deal of your task as well you miss the important points about the platform that you wrote. Please do recheck my task.

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