Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S10W3 - Reward System on Steemit Blockchain
Here are the possible answers of all the questions asked!
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Attribution of rewards on Steemit doesn't follow the same convergent linear reward curve since its creation and there are many modifications in it so let's have a look since its creation on the modifications in the reward system and also have a look at the causes of each modification in the reward system.
•In 2016 ( Quadratic reward curve system)
•In 2017 ( Linear reward curve)
•In 2019 ( Convergent linear reward curve)
From the time when steemit was created, in 2016 the reward system that were followed at that time was quadratic reward curve system. It was the most fundamental system of the platform due to its reward system. That system was used to determine that how much a post is being rewarded on the base of amount of steem power which is used to upvote that particular content.
Quadratic reward curve was basically designed for the encouragement of the earlier engagement at steemit. In this way payout of a post was higher for that if a post recieves votes earlier in it's lifespan and payout of a post was little for that if a post receive vote later in its lifespan. With this reward system there were many things which were describing and which have horrible consequences due to which there was a need to modify the reward system but first we have a brief look on the reason of modification of quadratic reward curve.
Here is the quadratic equation!
- There were some unintended consequences of quadratic reward curve which includes more benefit of voting bot in the terms of voting.
- There was unfair system and more centralization promotion due to quadratic reward curve system
- Quadratic reward system was much vulnerable to spam and towards abuse at the platform thats why there is a need to modify it.
- Quadratic reward system gives an opportunity to bots to artificially inflate the rewards of users with low quality content even.
This was a modification of the quadratic reward curve system which was made in 2017. This reward curve have a more gradual slope than quadratic reward curve. In this modified reward curve payout of a post was less dependent on the amount of SP that was used to upvote a specific post.
Under this reward system SP of the users determine the rewards because mostly in this reward system it was implemented that the amount of SP a user have the reward amount will be equal to that. In this way people starts to upvote their own post in the form of self voting which was detrimental in a sense that it reduces the quick discovery of high quality content.
Here is the linear equation!
- Linear reward curve was modified to improve the experience of users and to encourage more engagement between users.
- Linear reward curve was modified to implement a system of steem power delegation. This modification was for users to delegate their SP to other users or to project it to platform.
- Linear reward curve was modified to have a more organic system with more engagement of users at platform.
Convergent linear reward curve was a system that was developed by steemit community or steemit team in 2019 and this reward system is still in use. Convergent linear reward curve was developed to addresses all the challenges and issues that were with the previous reward systems which were quadratic reward system and linear reward system.
According to the convergent linear reward curve the payout of a post was proportional to amount of SP that was used to upvote a particular post and under this reward system the payout of a post was not affected by timing of upvote.
Here is the convergent linear equation!
Following are the integral and key features of convergent linear reward curve due to which it is still in use and still in popularity.
- Convergent linear reward curve use the curation reward through which high quality content is supported by incentivizing the users to find out the most valuable and informative content and then support it by votes.
- Convergent linear reward curve also use the reverse auction to determine the payout of a post in which users bid portion of their steem power to be included in their reward pool of post
- Convergent linear reward curve is used to discourage the spam and bots which artificially inflate rewards and to increase a fair system and decentralisation as well as to promote more engagement between users.
Convergent linear curve have brought several added values to the blockchain and have its positive effect at blockchain in many of the forms that I am describing below.
Promotes fair reward system
Convergent linear reward system promotes a
fairness at steemit by searching out more valuable content and then giving that content upwards according to the quality.
Discouragement of spamy content
Convergent linear reward curve was also for the discouragement of spamy content which is unfavorable for steemit. Convergent linear curve also discourage the voting bot which artificially inflate the rewards of users and discourage high quality content creators.
Encourage more Organic engagement
Convergent linear curve encourages more interaction and engagement between users and hence more coordination promotes between users that's why this reward system is also considered more productive and more beneficial for the platform.
Encourage rewarding quality content
Convergent linear curve promote decentralization of platform that's why it also promotes giving rewards to high quality content then giving rewards to low quality content so in this way users also get encouraged.
Steem power delegation to users or to project it to platform
Convergent linear reward curve also have a benefit in the delegation of steem power to users or to project the steem power to platform so in this way this reward system is very significant.
Isolated curation and community curation are the types of curation so let's have a brief look on both of them.
Isolated curation is that which focuses on curating the content on individualistic basis. If someone is engaging in curing the content on the basis of their personal interest and personal choices then it means he is going for isolated curation which is independent and not depends upon opinion of other person.
- Isolated curation also have a drawback of lack of diversity in content as person seeks for the content of their own choice and own preference.
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Community curation is that which is not on individualistic basis and which involves a group of people for the curation of content. Users who like to interact with each other by different means like collective curation and collective decision making go for this approach and this type of curation.
- Community curation have a benefit that it have variety of content which covers different quality content related to different topics.
There are also many benefits of community curation we will see in the next question and now I want to talk about my preference.
My preference from both types of curation
If we generally talk about reference from both type of curation then it depends upon the user on preference as well as the motive for which a user wants to choose a specific type of curation. The type of content can also have a great influence on the type of curation. For example if there is a content which is highly specialized and its not good to viral that content much then for that type of content isolated curation would be much better option. If there is a content which needs to be more viral then community
curation would be the better one option.
It's true that isolated curation and community curation both have their advantages as well as disadvantages but still my preference is community curation because community curation have a lot of benefits but isolated curation have a lot of drawbacks as compared to Community curation. I like to prefer community curation due to one more reason that I always like to work together and I recognise much better that what is the importance of group work.
Community curation have a lot of financial contribution and this is not the first and last benefit of this type of curation but there are many other benefits and advantages of community creation that's why I also choose it as my preference so let's have a look on the other benefits of community curation.
Development of a sense of belonging and connection
As it is clear from the definition of community Curation that it is a group of people for curating content that's why it develops a sense of belonging and connection between different users when users become more engaged with each other through upvote and comments. So this environment at platform also increase the strength in the relationships between community.
Promotion of diversity of content
Community curation don't limit the content type for curation because it openly curate the content by a collective decision of people which they consider most valuable and really informative that's why in this way the promotion of diversity of content occurs and users become able to see information based on different qualitative topics.
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Helping in combating with abuse
Community curation not only means that you can just upvote,it means that you can downvote also which you consider that there is a need to downvote so bot users and many other spam and abuse can get discourage in the form of community down voting so in this way community curation also helps in combating with some of the challenges related to abuse.
Promotion of transparency
When there would be a group of people who select the most suitable and the most high quality content for curation then there will be the promotion of transparency and again the promotion of decentralisation of the platform and in this way more people will attract due to the transparency of the platform so this type of curation would be helpful in the promotion of platform also.
That was some of the answers of all the required questions!
Hopefully this post would be quite informative for all of you.
The most interesting thing about your post is that you have provided information about the prize distribution system carried out by Steemit has changed in recent times. It seems that you understand this topic very well.
Good luck in this contest my brother 👍
Thank you so much brother for commenting on my blog and yes there were modifications In The reward system with the passage of time and I make it more clear by mentioning the modification years and Alhamdulillah after my result I have a good and standing and before I don't know about these modifications.
I wish you a lot of success.
Sama-sama sobat ku..
Sukses selalu untuk anda 👌
Greeting Sir The quadratic reward curve system implemented on Steemit in 2016 had its merits and served as the fundamental basis for the platform's reward system.
First of all I want to say thanks to you that you comment on my post and I always like most valid de comments as you have also highlight one of the major point from my post.
You have talked about quadratic reward curd system and its implementation so yes it was the most starting reward system since steemit is created and there are many disadvantages of this system that's why there was a need to modify them so linear reward curve was the second one option that was chosen as a reward system after the quadratic reward curve....
Good luck to you in your entry
Saya pikir sistem yang dijalankan saat ini masih perlu diperbaiki. Hal ini mengacu pada penggunaan Bot yang sangat menguntungkan orang tertentu, tapi di sisi lain merugikan orang lain.
Tapi ketika melihat bahwa sistem dasar pemberian reward selalu berubah untuk lebih adil dan lebih baik. Maka kita cukup nyaman untuk terus berada di steemit dan membantu platform ini berkembang.
Terima kasih atas publikasi anda yang hebat. Semoga anda sehat selalu.
I want to say thanks to you that you comment on my post and read my blog and give your opinion about the current reward system and you think that it needs to be improve so definitely when there will be something more good considered by the team then it will be implymented definitely.
Your comment is valid and I appreciate your efforts and definitely when there we would be more good and modified system then would be more comfortable to work here I agree with this thing.
I again want to say a big thanks to you
My pleasure
This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @chant
Thank you @chant
Un tema nada fácil de conocer y mucho por leer e informarse para tener ideas claras acerca de lo que son las recompensas y las curaciones en solitario y comunitarias.
Excelente explicación, has sido muy concreto con el tema abordado.
Gracias por compartir con nosotros. Éxitos
Thanks for your praise and words as well as your visit on my blog and every time whenever someone visits my blog then it motivatees me
It's a happy moment for me when you say that I have a good understanding of this topic and I want to disclose that I don't have information about this topic before participation in this challenge and when I see that I have to participate and to explain about this topic then I made a lot of result so it is a fruit of my efforts that you and many of the people like you like my content
Greetings to you also and I also wish you good luck
Greetings brother
Yes it is true that the previous reward systems was creating problems and was unsuitable for the platform that is why they were changed. And now the convergent linear reward system is applicable which more reliable than the previous reward systems. The community curation is also contributing very well in the maintainace of the platform.
Overall your publication is very interesting and well written.
May Allah grant you success 🤗
Thank you so much for your time and for your wonderful comment and I am very happy that you give me your precious time through your precious words which are really very valid and it seems from your comment that you read many of the major points of my post which were true and you agree with those points and it's a happy thing for me
You have talked about modifications which one necessary to made due to following reasons which I have described in my post and I am very happy that you got my all points and I assure you next time I would also improve my information much and next time it will be more valuable content for you guys
You are always welcome brother 😊🙏