RE: 10 Random Things About Me ... French Forign Legion, Fatherhood & Flatulence
Interesting you say "Former Rhodesions". The husband prefers "Zimbabwean" - he had the dubious pleasure of meeting Mugabe after independence; actually, hosting him at an agricultural show; in Matabeleland. A relatively euphoric time when he and his then wife decided the country and the new regime deserved a chance. With hindsight he has a different view on that war. I have known lots of Rhodesians having been at a university, also named after Rhodes, at which many studied. Lots of good ones. Others, real bad-asses. Many totally f*cked in the head from that war. As were many white South Africans. Including my ex husband. You know what I'm alluding to - your Foreign Legion experience makes you an expert, and good on you for coming out even half way sane.
You are so right about ideology and poor decision-making. History shows it over and over. That said, South Africa is a beautiful country with amazing people and although we have a long, long way to go, and there are HUGE hurdles including the rise of populism, I am more optimistic than I have been since Mandela's inauguration.
Your next visit to Africa - come to the southern most time - we will show you and your daughter a really good time!
With good wine...
Quoting myself:
... including the name. :-)
You're right. The country has so much going for it. Indeed, so does the whole continent. Africa is the most soulful place on the planet.
There's two vexing problems that keep self-inflicting the wounds: Tribalism and corruption. If these two cancers could be materially diminished, the continent would soar.
With all you South African gals continuously posting such criminally delicious looking food and wine ... how is a guy supposed to stay away? :-)
@haynie and I look forward to that! You don't know what you're in for!
@fionasfavourites & @jaynie
I'm a risk-taker. :-)
Oh, you should not challenge us! Should he @jaynie?
In the interim, you and @jaynie get together, imbibe, get giggly ... and get cracking on that Whale Tail Stew. Feel free to take some liberties with my recipe.
@jaynie and I would get together more often if we didn't live 100km apart. When we do get together, it's often our carnivorous firemaking partners who cook while we happily imbibe and get giggly and plan how show @quillfire a whale of a time so that he returns whence he came with tales to tell.... ;)