Another Deep Dreamer at Viki's Birthday and Steemit Meeting at Museumquartier in Vienna [EN DE]

I went to @vikisecret Birthday Party and combined Steemit Austria Meet-up and took a couple of photos, but none worked out as good as his photo or those of @siamcat - see their posts here:
Ich bin zu @vikisecret Birthday Party gegangen welche mit dem Steemit Austria Meet-up kombiniert wurde, und habe ein paar Fotos gemacht, aber keines hat so gut geklappt wie sein Foto oder diese von @siamcat - siehe deren Beiträge hier:

📷 B-Day & Steemit Meetup 😃

Stammtisch Meetup 🇦🇹 Happy Birthday @vikisecrets

A selfie I took was not worth passing on, even after working on it in Photoshop, so in a fit of desperation (I hate tossing things out) I cranked it through my Deep Dream Generator - and turned a sows ear into a silk purse!
Ein Selfie, das ich gemacht habe, war es nicht wert, weiterzugeben, selbst nachdem ich in Photoshop daran gearbeitet hatte. In einem Anfall der Verzweiflung (ich hasse es, Dinge wegzuwerfen) drehte ich es durch meinen Deep Dream Generator - und verwandelte ein Sauohr in eine Seidentasche!


now this has the look of a medieval stain glass window, but a bit weirder might be using the original Deep Dream Neuron Generator, and in this case, going through several levels:
Das sieht jetzt wie ein mittelalterliches Glasfenster aus, aber etwas seltsamer könnte es sein, wenn der ursprüngliche Deep Dream Neuron Generator verwendet wird und in diesem Fall mehrere Ebenen durchläuft:

41788b3bb8acbff5007a341b5ec1586048abe2a9 (2).jpg

now this might be a bit too weird, but that is how Deep Dream started out originally years ago. Since then, you can upload your own filters. The one I used in the first image was however a "borrowed" filter from someone else.
jetzt könnte dies ein bisschen zu verrückt sein, aber das ist, wie Deep Dream vor Jahren ursprünglich begann. Seitdem kann man eigene Filter hochladen. Dieser, welchen ich im ersten Bild verwendet habe, war jedoch ein "geliehener" Filter von jemand anderem.

About the location Museum Quartier Wien
Über den Standort Museum Quartier Wien:

"Winter im MQ" Hof

Source: MQ Instagram

More about MQ in Winter on the page of Downtown Vienna

@siamcat has some more photos

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I love these deep dreams, looks like a fun party ;) I have included this post in my weekly curation Ocean of Art!

great, thank you! Deep Dream is almost like a drug, once you get started, you can't quit! I saved this 2 year old tutorial by your husband in my Deep Dream link file. Since then, I created quite a few: Art of the Mystic Deep Dream.

Cool, the photo looks like a painting 😄

the filter for it is from a painting and some digital art

Another interesting deep dream, thank you dear Otto 🌻

@siamcat - after that, I found it had to quit: here is another, based on the gold mask of King Tut as a filter:


can't quit now, here is another one, based on a old colored drawing which was digitally mirrored:


I can apply such thing endlessly to see what happens :)


This is my problem, I could not leave it alone - generated several more.
Another way of wasting time (or procrastinating instead of doing something else I should be doing).

I am doing this also without the computer. I once made a paper cut of the circular kind and when my wife came home there was paper all over the place. Principle and variation.

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