Law Celebrates Valentine's Day

in #steemit7 years ago

The desire to bandwagon does exist in man, but it becomes disgraceful in Islam if the people who follow are different
from us in terms of belief and thought. Moreover, if you follow in the case of aqeedah, worship, syiar and custom. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has forbidden to follow the ordinance of worship other than Islam, meaning, "Whoever imitates a people, then he belongs to the people." (At-Tirmizi).

Abu Waqid narrated: "The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when heading out to the War of Khaibar, he passed a tree belonging to the polytheists, called the Dzaatu Anwaath, usually they hung their weapons in the tree. , make for us Dzaatu Anwaath, as they have Dzaatu Anwaath. ' Thus the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, 'Glory be to Allah, this is as the prophets of Moses said,' Make for us gods as they have gods. ' By the Essence of my soul in His hand, really you will follow the habits of those who exist before you '. " (At-Tirmizi, he said, hasan sahih).

This valentinan version of affection must be known before the law, then decide whether to be implemented or abandoned. By seeing and understanding the origins and the facts of Valentine's Day, in fact this celebration has nothing to do with the pattern of a Muslim's life. This unfounded tradition is born and developed from a group of people (people / nation) who live with a very different style with the life style based on the great Islamic Shari'a.

It is clear that Valentine Day is a pagan culture, which we (Muslims) are forbidden to take it. We are forbidden to resemble a culture born of a pagan civilization, which is clearly contrary to the Islamic creed. Truly, celebrating Valentine's Day is an act of haram and blameworthy.

Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah rahimahullah said, "Giving congratulations to the special pagan rituals for them, it has been agreed that such deeds are forbidden, such as congratulating them on their holiday and fasting, by saying" Happy holidays "and the like. To those who say it, even if it does not come to disbelief, it is at least an act of unlawfulness, which means that he has congratulated the deeds of those who associate Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, even more sincerely in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and more wrath than congratulations on the act of drinking khamar or killing.Many people who fall into action without realizing the badness of such action.Such as people who congratulate others on the actions of immoral, heresy, or kufr, whereas with it he has prepare for the anger and wrath of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. "

Sheikh Muhammad bin Shaleh al-Uthaimin when asked about Valentine's Day said, "Celebrating Valentine's Day should not, for the following reasons: First, it is a heresy that has no legal basis in Islamic law, the hearts are busy with such lowly matters that are very contrary to the guidance of the pious salaf (our predecessors) - may Allah be pleased with them, so it is not lawful to perform their holiday rituals, whether in the form of eating, drinking, dressing , exchange of gifts, etc. The Muslim should be proud of his religion, not be a man who has no grip and follow-up May God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect the Muslims from any visible or hidden slander (test of life) , and may cover us all with His guidance. "

Following the Muslims against the lifestyle of the Gentiles will make them happy and can give birth to love and attachment. Allah says: "O ye who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians into your leaders, some of them are leaders for others." Whosoever of you take them as leaders, they are of their faction: for Allah hath not guided those who do wrong. (Surah Al-Maidah: 51).

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, love each other with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger." (Surah Al-Mujadilah: 22)

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala always make our lives full of sincere love and affection, which becomes a bridge to enter into the heaven that stretching as wide as the heavens and the earth, provided for the righteous. May Allah make us belong among the people mentioned in the hadith of Qudsi, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says which means, "My love is for those who love each other because of Me, sacrifice for me, and who visit each other because of Me . " (HR Ahmad). You know a'lam.

source :

  1. The standart International Dictionary, jilid 18 halaman 5090. The Encyclopedia Americana, jilid 27 halaman 859. (dari
  2. Valentine's Day Bukan Ajaran Islam, Drs. Nur'i Yakin Mch, SH, M.Hum.

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