Better life daily gaming|A visit to the Mall|17-02-2022|
Hlo , blessings from Almighty Allah the glorious and merciful.Have this day fill with happiness and prosperity and have other day fill with full of health and wellness.
Our day starts as always with daily prayer ,The glorious Fajir prayer at 6:25 am.To visit the near Jamia Masjid at my locality is my first activity at morning.
From there ,taking the @Kashmiri traditional breakfast with Kashmiri nun chai and bread.The pleasure of taking the early breakfast with my family is next experience.We are set at around the tea stall to grasp this experience.
What is most joys moment the day was ,when we went to the city's biggest mall.@The wave Mall is the city's biggest which is located in the South.
The different sections of this Mall at very entering shows its collaboration with different brands.The different brands like @Puma,@Panton,@Max,@Adidas etc are its worth existence.
We enter one by one in all compartment and got the experience there.We had good experience in a MAX which is a local indian brand where we purchased upper.
We loved the inner compartment the way it is designed and maintained.Later we left this place and start driving to our locality.
Here in my locality there is issue realiting to a disputed land from few days,so I took little interest in it after days chaus.We hope it will resolve as soon as possible.
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