Womenhood in Pakistan || Women of Pakistan|| Reality of March 8
March 8 is the day when a large set of people gather around for a movement for the rights of women commonly knows as Aurat March. Pakistani community which is prone to so much ill-practices of Wani, Swara, Watta-satta, Karo-Kari, child sexual abuse, workplace harassment, Child marriages, marriages without consent, female- infanticide, gender based selective abortion and what not. In such a society these movements must be started every now and then. But when they happen we see a large community opposing these ideas and considering them to be against the religious values of Muslims.
So does that mean Muslims and Islam fans these practices?
Are these practices part of Islam and Muslim lifestyle?
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I would clearly say No, I am a girl myself and always given priority over the male members of my society. How does this happen? I'll tell you through this post. In my family I am always given priority over my brothers, lets be a little negative and say that I'm the physically weaker gender and that becomes an advantage for me. I am not bound to help with the financial matters of my family, I am not supposed to do any chores at my house that involve physical strength or I am not bound to serve anything to the Guests that visits us.
Okay that might seem like a very vague analysis, so the way I am treated outside of my house is also another story.
I went to bank, it was summer, there was a line of almost 50 males. Clearly everyone is in the hurry to get their stuff done quickly. But no, they all made me do my work first not even one of them was of the opinion that genders need to be given equality and a female who comes at the end wait for no line and take what she wants.
I have often got to travel by public transport, none of them there are my brothers, father or uncles. But I get an advantage over their, when I am left alone in the bus and it's night time so many will stop there and wait until I reach my destination. These are one of the few examples of my experiences with the men of my society.
Blaming Islam or Muslim is not going to take us anywhere. I am not saying that every women is treated the same way as me, neither that the practices of Wani, Swara, Watta-satta does not exist. Yeah they do, but considering 1 case out of 1000 and blaming every man on the Earth and demanding a separate planet for Women or man is RIDICULOUS !
These movements have already marginalized women of lower middle class and below, who are in dire need of a voice, these movements have taken out minorities like Christians and women of certain cast and color. These females need someone to raise a voice for them. I want to be their voice; I want us all to raise our voice for the women who works equally as the men but paid 30 times lesser, women who are raped in front of the whole villages and named as the 'Whores' because they asked for their rights, girl child who are raped at the age of 3 months or 6 years, i want to be the voice of the girl in the womb who is killed because she has already two girl siblings. I am not blaming any Religion, Community or Society, I want to bring a change.
This is absolutely correct. Women have been given a big place in Islam and Pakistanis treat women good very much.
Thanks for the appreciation sir