My Father is Very ill || We need Prayers! || Please Remember him in your prayers❤️

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is Aniqamashkoor and i am here with this post to make a request to all of you. I will keep this short.
As it is understood from the title, and from the title image. I want to request you all to please for my father. He is very ill. He has gone through two Dialysis processes in the last 24 hours. This is not normal for any of us in the family as he was having a few breathing problems and when we took him to the hospital, he had to go through this process. The doctors have not yet given their statement about the case and we are waiting for the reports. We are hoping for good and better future with complete health of my father.
So all i want from all of you is to please please please pray for my father. I would be very thankful!
Yours truly,
Aniqa Mashkoor!
Walaikum Assalam, May Allah SWT give your father complete shifa and healthy, long life Aameen
Aameen summa aameen
Don't Sha Allah in Sha Allah by the will of Allah SWT ,he will be alright and healthy in Sha Allah. I will pray for your father in Sha Allah.
May he get healthy and long life .aameen aameen in Sha Allah
Jazakillah aameen 💕
Allah tallah sehat de jald ameen. theek hojaengy insha'Allah insha'Allah
please verify my post .