Visit to The Field of Corn With Friend // @zeeshanakram
Helo! Friends. How are you all of you. I hope you all will be fine. Alhamdulilah I am also fine. This is my first post in this community. I hope you all support me very well. I belong to a middle family. My family consists of five members including me. We live in a village. I like village life, because it's green everywhere. Seeing something green every morning refreshes the mind. So lets start my today journey to the field of corn with friend.
This is my picture in the field of corn in happy mood.
Today is sunday. I got up early in the morning. Frist of all I washed my hands. Then I performed ablution. Then I went to mosque to offer prayer. I returned home after praying. Then I went to my friend. Which name Muhammad Imran. He lives to near of my house. He is my best friend. In my spare time, I often go to him. We both spend a lot of time together.
When I reached him, he well comes me. We sit few minutes. Then he tells me let me show my field of corn. After some time we reached in the field of corn.
He tells me very informative information about his corn fields. He tells me that it is cleansed within 90 days. He says it takes a lot of hard work. He tells me urea fertilizer is very important for the field of corn. He says that he give five sacks until he is ripe. Cindy is the greatest enemy for the corn field. He tells me if Cindy attack on corn field always give spray of Cora gin Company of FMC. This is very good fertilizer company of foreign country. Here i show you some corn leaf damaged by Cindy.
He tells me more benefits of corn. He tells me we also use corn for the animals. Because we belong to village life. Many villagers use corn for animals just like as a food.
My friend tells me more that when corn completely ripe then he bring some people which work in the field of corn as a labor. He also pay money to the labor which do work in his field of corn. There some common disease of corn fields.
1.Bacterial Leaf Streak.
2.Fusarium Root Rot.
My friend tells me it is important to avoid these diseases we should clean the fields properly. Remove the grass hosts. Always use the right amount of plant nutrients, nitrogen. Many companies make Ghee with the help of corn which we use in our homes. Then We go to his Tube well. We tells me when corn needs water. He give water to the field of corn with the help of tube well. He tells me often he take bathe on this tube well when he feel very hot in summer days.
He also introduces me to his youngest son on his return. Which name is Tanzeem. He is little child. He read in three class At The Knowledge Schools.
At the end I thanks to my friend which gave me very informative information about corn fields. I again thanks him and come back home.