Natural Tips Towards Stomach Hurts in Man || Posted by @xkool24
Hello friends, hope we are all doing pretty well? I'm here again to present to us some smart tips on how best to handle your stomach hurts. During the time of having some stomach hurts, there are healthy foods we should stay away from and some dieting palliatives we should embrace all through the breakdown. The last thing anyone would want to do is to get the situation more worse rather than get it resolve, hence the need to know the right food to take during the said time so as to ameliorate it more faster.
There are some foods that can give us the required nutritional balance which I termed quick recipe towards handling issues of stomach hurts, but we have to know how to use and take them to achieve the desired result. They seem to provide us with this nutrients and not necessarily making us feel worse off.
Some of the Natural Food Tips to Reduce/Stop Stomach Hurt
- Start up with intake of Fluids/Liquids:
Most times we cannot help to eat and when we do we find ourselves taking the wrong meals and hence worsen the already tensed situation. We are expected to quickly and initially get hydrated but at this time with fluids like sport drinks, coconut water, broth, etc which are considered to have high potassium, calcium and sodium minerals. These are considered to be the immediate minerals required to fight any form of stomach hurt.
- The Intake of Banana:
During stomach hurts caused by Diarrhea/Vomiting, affected person is seen to quickly loose potassium presence in the body which Banana replenishes almost immediately. Bananas are easy to digest and with relatively high potassium levels. With this the body can quickly make a comeback to the - Rice Intake:
It is important we know how to take this food. It should be taken plain when parboiled and shouldn't be mixed any ingredients or food before taking. With specificity to white rice, it is usually viewed as a starchy meal and low in fiber content which helps in firming up stool. For an upset stomach, the Black, Brown or Wild rice are harder to digest which is a no no for an upset stomach though healthy. - The Intake of Toast Bread:
A toasted bread is seen as far better than a full fiber whole grain meal. The latter have high tendencies of been the preferred meal for any individual with full sanity of body system but at the same time a wrong meal during times of an unhappy stomach. This tends to make the situation worse vis-a-vis what we get from the toasted bread. - Use of Apple-Sauce:
Just like the Banana, the Apple is also a fruit with such capacity to help during times of stomach upset. It can also be easily digested with several nutrients including the presence of PECTIN. Just as we will want to avoid fiber this time, Pectin is a kind of fiber that dissolves easily in water and that helps firm up the stool with ability to remedy stomach hurts like Diarrhea.
Some Foods to Avoid when having a stomach Hurt
- Dairy products:
Dairy products are a no go area for an upset stomach. They are very fat contents which also makes it very difficult to digest while taken. If the urge to have this products persists during the upset period, plain and nonfat yogurts can be taken but in a smaller volume. Examples of Dairies are Milk, Cheese, Ice cream, Yogurt etc. - Soda:
Diarrhea are likely worse off when in presence of more sugar in the system. Soda are seen to have enough gas and some reasonably sugar levels which aren't palatable for an upset stomach. For addicts, a little sips maybe encouraged with control in place. - Fried Foods:
This is one of man's foods that are alluring but unfortunately not healthy for man even at his stable state of health. Fried foods are high in Oils and Fats which makes it relatively hard to digest when ingested. Therefore, they still make an already tensed stomach even get worse.
- Spicy Meals:
This should be the last meal we should think of while having any form of stomach upset. During this period, our body systems work harder to digest spicy food of this nature and it may pose more danger to a rumbled upset stomach.
Cc: @healthrepublic