STEEMIT IRON CHEF ACT 1 ROUND 05 : Contest now open!!! 25 STEEM to win this week + Grand Reward Pool over 83 STEEM already and growing!
Hello again mighty Iron Chefs and foodies of the Steemit world!
My Fridays posts are always so exciting...and I know many of you are eagerly waiting for this announcement post so that you can start planning what you gonna propose us for the next round!
So are you ready to discover the mysterious product of the fifth round!?
But before that, let me thank all the 57 participants of round 04! It is simply amazing to see how each week we are getting quite a high number of entrants (regular + new ones), this motivates me even further to make things more interesting for you all!
Thanks so much for the amazing support and willingness to participate each week and progress together!
What is Steemit Iron Chef all about!???
In a big picture, SIC is a unique type of cooking contest which will be run each week till the end of year (2 ACTS of 15 rounds each), and the theme will be based on a single different product each week, which I select and reveal on Fridays!!!
The participants have to sublimate that particular product in either a Starter or Main Course or Dessert!
On top of weekly prizes (25 STEEM), the contestants are ranked on a league thanks to points that they get depending on their weekly results and they are eligible to get a share of the BIG REWARD POOL at the end of each ACT!
This pool is actually held in the liquid steem wallet of @steemit-ironchef!
From time to time, I exchange my SBDs earned and send back to grow that pool + contributions + donations from foodies around. Each round the pot grows bigger!
We started at 16.7 STEEM for the first round and now we are already over 83 STEEM!!!
If you need more info about SIC, kindly check my blog or send me a message on our Discord Channel or here in the comments section!
Let's deep dive into the 5th round now...
The mysterious product for you to work on for the fourth round is....TAAADAAAAHHHH!!!
Before anyone asks, let me clarify that you can use any variety of eggplants, be it Graffitti , Italian ones, White ones, purple ones, long ones, Chinese or Japanese ones...anyone you wish falling into the EGGPLANT FAMILY!!!
All you have to do is simply sublimate/elevate/transform this beautiful vegetable!
As in any contest, we need to set some rules to get things going in the right direction!
- You will have to create a post and title your entry 'Steemit Iron Chef 2021 Act 1 Round 05 : Name of your dish' and post in the SIC community only!
- Make either a starter or main course or dessert with the product of the week!
- Only one entry per person is allowed.
- Make sure to use #steemit-ironchef as your first tag, so that I don't miss your entry!
- Only new recipes will be accepted, so I will need minimum one photo with your name and date on it.
- I don't need to see your step by step preparations/recipes or pictures of you... just make the list of the products used, describe your dish and add some photos to get my attention!
Make it sweet and simple!!! - Post a link of your entry on the announcement post HERE and also share your entry on our discord channel - Steemit Iron Chef Discord Channel!
- Sharing your post on Twitter using the tag Steemit and Steemitironchef is not mandatory, but very much appreciated.
Below is a newly added rule...please make sure to respect it:
- Try not to mention Steemcurator01, any other curators and myself when writing your posts please!!!
Check this post to understand why you should not mention!
The DEADLINE for submission is Friday 18th of June 2021 at 10.00am UTC!
Any participant not following these simple rules will be considered a non valid entry.
Be the most creative , inventive and refined possible, you'll win a lot of points...
Keep the effort up my friends and keep writing some quality posts with top quality photos...sending low quality ones will only give you little points and missed out some nice rewards!
How entries are marked???
For you guys to get an idea of how I will judge the entries, below is the evaluation sheet that I will use for each and every participant of Steemit Iron Chef - So make sure you take all the 5 criteria into consideration while making your entry!
Please note that I will be the only one judging all the entries based on my 19 years career/experience as a professional Chef.
Below are the prizes that will be distributed to the top 7 each week!
In case someone else wishes to grow the pot or contribute in a way or another, please reach out to me!
The total points earned each week by the contestants (see table above) will be sent on the below table to make the rankings of the Steemit Iron Chef 2021 ACT 1 League!
The one getting the most of points will top the league at the end of the First Act which comprises of 15 weeks/rounds!
The more consistent someone is in participating, the better chance to top the league!
Anyone having their name on the it the on the first or the last position...will receive a portion of the Grand Reward Pool as per the below table!
The grand reward pool is saved on the @steemit-ironchef wallet(Liquid Steem) and we are already over 83 STEEM!
Each week I add some more depending on how much I am earning on my posts from my two blogs!
It would be great if everyone can send whatever amount they can to grow this pot before the end of the 15 first rounds!
FYI in 2017...the pool distributed to 20 participants was 1005 STEEM!!!
If we all put hands together and contribute...for sure we can reach that amount in matter of weeks!
Important Notice
By participating in Steemit Iron Chef, you give me the right to use your food photos for public announcement/promotions on different social media platforms!
Good luck everyone...Looking forward to discover your creative entries once again!
Please take your time creating the best dish you can with an awesome presentation...just don't rush in making low quality entry plzzzz!
I am writing this again so that no one is confused :
The DEADLINE for submission is Friday 18th of June 2021 at 10.00am UTC!
Happy competition my dearest foodies and Iron Chefs!
Steem on!!!
Saludos a todos, mi entrada:
Que bueno la berengena, a planificar mi plato para participar, suerte para todos.
Looking forward to discover your entry based on this amazing product!
Good luck my friend!
Wish you all the best!
Muy interesante el ingrediente principal.
Hope to see you enter this 5th round my friend!
Hola amigo @progressivechef, si Dios lo permite estaré participando. Saludos
Dios berenjena ingrediente práctico y versátil, espero realizar mi entrada!
Muy emocionada por participar nuevamente. pensando ando .....
This is so nice to read from you my friend...looking forward to discover your entry!
Best regards!
hola @progressivechef, disculpa me podrías enviar una invitación para discord es que la que acepte hace poco expiro porque mi internet esta deficiente y no pude agregarme necesito una nueva invitación para poder enviar mis entrada para allá también, disculpa la molestia que pase un lindo día
This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...
Hola a todos, aquí mi entrada
Publicación en twitter
Buenas tardes dejo aquí mi entrada espero les guste

Saludos, bendiciones para todos.
Medallones deBerenjena
Compartido en Twitter
Interesante el ingrediente principal esta semana 🍆🍆 Haré lo posible en participar.
I really hope you get time and the eggplant to make your entry and share with us all!
Best Regards!