The Big Lie - Vaccines are Safe and Effective.
We know the original Wuhan virus came from the lab. We also know that the Botswana Omicron variant genetically preceded the original. Therefore it also came from a lab – and believed to have been released by the white hats. Now, just as Omicron was helping break down the prevailing narrative along comes a new variant Omicron B (BA 2). This is a genetic cousin to Omicron (BA 1) and is further proof that this virus and its variants have been released deliberately.
In large part Covid-19 is cover for the economic collapse that is underway. We are looking ahead at bond defaults and currency collapse. World trade, which is already in serious decline, will begin to contract at an even faster pace. The economic maelstrom we are yet to experience will be blamed on Covid.
Quantative Easing (QE) is devaluation of your currency by a fancy name. The era of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is drawing to a close. However, these things take time (decades). They are working on what could potentially be a temporary fix in Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Many countries are investigating this, like Australia’s Operation Dunbar. They were focused on how digital currencies could be used in international settlements. They are even exploring utilising Ethereum in making international payments.
It is highly probable that due to US sanctions countries such as Venezuela and Iran are using Bitcoin (et al) to make payments – presumably to Russia and China. The world of digital currencies await.
Covid-19 is also the Trojan Horse for the collapse of Western “democracy” and a move into a totalitarian new world order. Following the collapse, we will move into the new global digital control. They want to manage the inevitable collapse and roll out of the digital currencies.
These digital currencies, centrally controlled, will be linked to your health passport, your digital ID. They are vehicles to control us. Don’t get vaccinated – then we’ll cut off your money!
However, how good are these vaccines? According to the NHS website the “vaccines are safe and effective”. That’s the line. Let’s look at the UK Health Security Agency most recent Covid-19 vaccine surveillance report week 4 (27 Jan 2022). In their summary they state rigorous trials have been undertaken to understand the immune response, safety profile and efficacy of these vaccines. Unsurprisingly, they conclude the benefits outweigh the risks.
Yet, this runs counter to information I’m receiving about increased risks of myocarditis in young men. The unusual number of athletes in their prime having serious adverse events. The massive increase in cancer diagnosis. The high number of serious adverse events that have been observed in the US military, including a 300% increase in miscarriages. Testimonials from nurses and doctors. Personally knowing more people with vaccine injuries than I do people who died from Covid-19.
The report says the vaccines effectiveness is significantly lower against Omicron and with rapid waning. By 23 January uptake in the UK was – one dose (69%), two doses (63.9%) and three doses (49%). Mostly older age groups.
The report also informs us that based on antibody testing 98.7% of the adult population now have antibodies to Covid-19. They used to talk about herd immunity. They even changed the definition of herd immunity to one that emphasised immunisation over immunity. What about now? We don’t know if these antibodies will protect us as they release new strains.
Vaccine Effectiveness
After 2 doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, vaccine effectiveness against the Omicron variant started at 45-50% then drops to almost no effect from 20 weeks. Pfizer and Moderna fared little better starting at 60-75% and dropping to 10% by 25 weeks.
It does seem like the booster really does boost the protection, however we have yet to see how it will fare against this BA2. The report has a strong focus on how the vaccines can be seen to reduce hospitalisations. Of course the likelihood of being hospitalised for Covid-19 is low in the first place. It would be good to see that compared to giving early treatment.
Indeed, when we know this disease is best treated early and there is a treatment protocol as developed by some of the world’s leading clinicians, how can this document say;
Covid-19 vaccination is the safest and most effective way for women to protect themselves and their babies against severe Covid-19 disease.
They have a long section which concludes by strongly recommending pregnant women get vaccinated. The data doesn’t really show much difference, this is based on pregnant women who do fall seriously ill from Covid-19 having a bad time of it. In fact when you look at the numbers the high level of unvaccinated pregnant women (99.5% in January 2021- 77.3% by August 2021), it makes this data pretty useless.
I’m not a scientist but these reports from the UK Health and Security Agency seem to be nothing but propaganda outlets for the vaccine alliance.
I mentioned to someone the other day that I’d had Covid and they asked had I been vaccinated and looked at me like you brought it on yourself. Before I got Covid and mentioned I had guests coming the general consensus was if they are vaccinated they’re alright. This is so far from the truth to be derisible. I’m trying nor to get angry anymore.
In this chart below which comes from the CDC we can see that the incidence of hospitalisation in California was 3 in a thousand for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people if they both had a previous Covid-19 diagnosis.
Now we have this chart which is showing something rather alarming. It shows that not only is it the vaccinated cohort who are most likely to become infected – it shows they are roughly three times more likely. This directly contradicts what the UKHSA report states.
Peak Prosperity
They covered up the origins of the virus and their involvement in gain of function research. Now they are covering up the extent of vaccine injuries. Using science that most of us don’t understand they are lying to the public when they say the vaccines are safe and effective.
How effective? Well maybe 70% at first but then you will need a booster every 3 months for full protection. How safe? Well here’s all these studies we’ve done – look at these ones. Let’s not mention that the inventor of the mRNA technology Dr Malone has been warning about this experiment. That Moderna shelved this technology due to high adverse reactions at levels to be effective. Or the study by the University of Stockholm that found invitro the mRNA vaccine was entering the cell nucleus and damaging the DNA’s ability to repair itself.
Safe and effective? That’s the Big Lie and we all need to work to expose it.