Recipe for spreading raw mango.|Bangali Food.||
My dear friend's,
I am @rasel72. From #Bangladesh.
Recipe for spreading raw mango
How is everyone? I hope everyone is well. Today I am going to discuss a fun food with you. I hope you will like the food very much. I will share with you how to make the food. We will all share. We all almost like raw mangoes. Especially rural people eat more of this kind of raw mango. They spread some spices together and eat under the tree during the sun. Let's share. Let's see-
1. A few raw mangoes.
2. Salt
3. Chili powder
4. Coriander powder
5. Sugar
Below are all the steps to apply raw mango -
The first step-
First, the raw mangoes have to be washed well and the skin has to be cut into small pieces. I have cut a few mangoes here.
Step 2-
Then one by one it should be smeared well with salt, chilli powder, coriander powder. I have taken it here like me.
Step 3-
Then you have to give some amount of sugar. If you give sugar, it will taste a little sweet so that it will be good to eat. You can give sugar as per your need.
In this way, I have shared with you the recipe for making raw mangoes in a very simple way. In fact, most of the villagers eat raw mangoes in this way. You can try it at home if you want. You can also use different types of spices here.
I hope you like this recipe. If there is any mistake in my writing, please forgive me. Thank you all very much for watching my post.