SteemFoods Contest -39- | Prepare a Special Recipe for Valentine's Day!| Traditional Heart-Shaped Chocolate Cake with Homemade Chocolate Pudding Filling
¡Saludos, apreciados steemitas y SteemFoodies!
Comparto este post en ocasión del SteemFoods Contest -39- | Prepare a Special Recipe for Valentine's Day! | | +50 LIQUID STEEM ! ❤️ 🎂 de #SteemFoods, Comunidad liderada por @steemitfoods and @alikoc07.
Of Valentine and Chocolate: An Edible Declaration of Love
The first time I wondered about the meaning of Valentine's Day was in elementary school. I remember I was in 6th grade and I received an anonymous note that read "To: Marlyn /From: Her lover /Happy Valentine's Day". How intense a sixth grader can be! Up until that time, for me, February 14 was "The Day of Lovers" (nothing like "Valentine"), and the symbol I most associated with this day was a pair of turtledoves inside a heart. Perhaps that is the most distant memory I have of the meaning of this day.
I was so surprised and flattered by the note, I had missed for a long second the chocolate underneath. It was a Carlton, and it was tied with a pink lace bow. I must have felt very special, when that memory hasn't left me all these years. I never knew who this secret Valentine was, by the way, but from that day on, chocolate is my token of affection on Valentine's Day.
A decade later, already in college, I learned that the origins of this day can be traced back to the 14th century, and that its meaning would have to do with one or a couple of Christian martyrs, one of whom was known as St. Valentine and who in life was an Italian bishop.
The truth is that over the years, I must confess that I have not always given much importance to this day, but this doesn't mean much really , as on a couple of occasions I have forgotten even my own birthday and, luckily, someone has reminded me of it. Despite my occasional indifference, the times when I have been aware of “Saint Valentine’s Day,” I’ve had a great time, and so I keep beautiful memories of family, loves and friends.
I'm sure I must have spent some Valentine's Day alone and cried my eyes out, but I can't remember it right now, and I guess that's one of the advantages of a selective memory like mine.
Traditional Heart-Shaped Chocolate Cake with Homemade Chocolate Pudding Filling
To make this Valentine's chocolate cake, you'll need:
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup sunflower oil
- 1/2 cup beaten egg
- 3 teaspoons vanilla essence
- 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup of hot coffee
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon of soda
- 1 tablespoon white vinegar
To make this Valentine's chocolate cake, you'll have to:
Mix one by one all the ingredients in that order. When adding the soda and vinegar, make sure that the vinegar falls on the baking soda, so that it reacts and makes air bubbles. This will make the cake fluffy.

Distribute the mixture in two baking trays. I used 2 18'' pans and baked each cake for 20 minutes at 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
Then with the help of a paper mold, cut out the shape of a heart.
Once the cakes are ready, it is time to make the chocolate pudding. to fill the cake between the layers.
To make the pudding, you will need:
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 cup of condensed milk.
- 1 cup of coffee
- 1 cup condensed milk
- 50 gr of Savoy chocolate powder and 150 gr of Savoy chocolate bar for desserts.
- 1/2 cup cornstarch mixed in 1/2 cup of milk
- 1 egg and 2 egg whites
- 2 tablespoons of butter
Use only chocolate which flavor and aftertaste you like very much. I used Savoy.
To make the chocolate pudding, you will have to:
- Mix the coffee, condensed milk and all the chocolate until you have a homogeneous mixture.
- Then, add the cornstarch and milk mixture.
- After it has thickened, turn off the heat and continue beating; add the butter and the egg and egg whites.
- Beat until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Cut each cake into two layers and fill with the still warm pudding. In this way, the pudding will integrate with the cake, giving it firmness and you will avoid having a tower of Pisa.
Pour the hot pudding all over the cake and cover it with the help of a paddle. Then sprinkle with toasted sliced almonds, and place the candied maraschino cherries, to give a touch of passion.
You won't believe the fluffy, soft and moist texture of this cake.

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Algunas de mis recetas más recientes en #SteemFoods
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Toda una delicia. Felicitaciones !!! Que viva el amor y el chocolate !!!
Quedó rica. Luego de que mi tórtolo y yo la probamos, la repartí entre mis hermanas, los amores más amores de mi vida. Gracia spor tu visita, @reinamia y ¡qué viva el mor y el chocolate! Así, siempre de la mano. Qué no venga uno sin el otro XD
Hello : @marlyncabrera
Your participation in the contest I organized with the hashtag #steemfoods-valentinesday has been successfully confirmed. We will vote for your wonderful recipe with one of the booming accounts.
Happy Valentine's Day with Best Wishes... 🎉🙂
Thank you very much, Marlyn, for sharing the heart-shaped cake you prepared with chocolate with us. If you click on the contest tag, we have many users sharing great recipes like you, I guess I will have a hard time determining the contest results. Plus, it's winter where I live right now and it's really hard to find cherries. :) 🍫❤️🍒 👍
I'm so grateful you will support my post with a Booming upvote; I really put my heart in it, @alikoc07.
Indeed, there are many beautiful posts and delicious recipes under the tag #steemfoods-valentinesday (and their typo-friends, lol); every person has a special way to celebrate this day. I forgot to mention that this is my husband's favorite kind of cake: chocolate.
Have a happy Valentine's February! And if you can't find cherries, I am sure those cherries will find you even when it's winter. Cheers! :)
Que linda historia y especial para la fecha de San Valentín. Definitivamente esa nota marco tu vida y es una gran razón para amar el chocolate y su gran significado en este día.
Sería súper romántico conocer ahora quién fue el autor de esa nota especial. Jajaja a ver si te sonrojas. Es una linda historia.
La receta es muy buena,la decoración es especial y se nota el amor en la preparación de esta publicación.
Muchos éxitos. 😘🥰
Tantas veces los pequeños detalles hacen la diferencia y ni nos damos cuenta. Imagínate que mi Valentín secreto de 6to grado lea este post y se revele, ja, ja, ja. ¡Qué momento! Esta torta queda excelente, @alicargofer; ideal para las personas que no gustan de las tortas bañadas, como mi esposo. La hice así por él; si es por mí, le pongo un baño de sirope de chocolate al bizcocho, pero de verdad que no le hizo falta. Gracias por tu linda visita. ¡Feliz mes del amor y la amistad! :)
Saludos amiga, que talento te felicito por tan deliciosa receta que nos comparte, y sobretodo porque me encanta el chocolate. Receta anotada en mi lista. Gracias pos compartir.
A mí me encanta el chocolate en toda sus presentaciones. Si hay chocolate, que me llamen, ja, ja, ja. Ojalá hagas la torta; queda muy esponjosa y cremosa. Gracias por la visita, @mvchacin y ¡Feliz mes del amor y la amistad! :)
Hola bella pero que buena tu entrada al concuros, no yo cerre los ojos y los abri nuevamente pero que esponjosa.