Outing with my daughter 💃🥰🥰
I know some of us might be surprised by the phrase DAUGHTER I just used up there. Lolz. It's not like the biological daughter we know it to be but over here in Nigeria if a girl or lady has a male mentor she's easily calls him Daddy. Maybe that could be a sign respect or something .
So we just got to know on social media and we got talking while I played the advisory role which brought the father phrase to bear. So one of the days we fixed a day last year to get to meet physical since we have just been talking online and finally we did, it was a beautiful outing I must say. Below are some pictures we took after we had taken some snack at a Mall.
Like I said it was really an interesting outing I must say, I continued with my mentorship and encouragement duties while also learnt from her. 💃💃💃
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