#club5050, #club75 || Introducing #Steem-Environment Community = Promoting Steem

in Steem-Environment3 years ago (edited)

10% set payout to @hive-161774


Greetings environmental sustainability (Salam Lestari)

Always in prayer, may our earth be better, may our earth be more friendly, and may natural disasters be less and less, and we can bequeath a beautiful earth for our children and grandchildren.

Selalu dalam doa, semoga bumi kita semakin baik, semoga bumi kita semakin bersahabat, dan semoga bencana alam semakin berkurang, dan kita dapat mewariskan bumi yang asri untuk anak cucu kita.

Last Friday's activity was continued again, namely spreading the virus of love for the environment to the people closest to us, today we are continuing our work of using vacant land to plant trees, especially flowers.

Masih berlanjut aktivitas jumat yang lalu, yaitu menyebarkan virus cinta Lingkungan Hidup ke Orang-orang terdekat, hari ini kembali melanjutkan pekerjaan pemanfaatan lahan kosong untuk ditanami pohon, terutama dari jenis bunga.

On the sidelines of gotong royong activities I conveyed the formation of the #steem-environment community, apparently they don't know about steem and steemit, so I have to explain about steemit, steem before continuing to explain about the #steem-environment community.

Dalam sela-sela kegiatan gotong royong itu saya menyampaikan pendirian komunitas #steem-environment, ternyata mereka belum mengetahui steem dan steemit, jadi saya terlebih dahulu harus menjelaskan steemit, steem sebelum melanjutkan menjelaskan komunitas #steem-environment.




While continuing to finish my work, slowly conveying about the steemit platform, blockchange and cryptocurrency, of course this makes them confused, because apparently they are not familiar with the term digital currency, I think I should spend a special time (meet-up) with them to explain about steemit.

Sambil terus menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya menyampaikan perlahan tentang platform steemit, blockchange dan cryptocurensi, tentu ini membuat mereka bingung, karena ternyata mereka belum familier dengan istilah mata uang digital, saya kira saya harus mengambil waktu khusus (meet-up) dengan mereka untuk menjelaskan tentang steemit.

The conclusion from the above discussion turns out that in the real world, promoting the community is the same as promoting Steem, before introducing the community further, you must first introduce Steemit, Steem, SBD and digital currencies, markets and several other things. It's quite tiring, even though I'm already sweating from mutual cooperation.

Kesimpulan dari pembicaraan tadi ternyata, dalam dunia nyata, mempromosikan komunitas adalah sama dengan mempromosikan Steem (kecuali yang di prospek adalah para steemian), sebelum lebih jauh memperkenalkan komunitas terlebih dahulu harus memperkenalkan Steemit, kemudian Steem, SBD dan mata uang digital, pasarnya dan beberapa hal lainnya. Lumanyan melelahkan, padahal juga saya telah berkeringat karena gotong royong.

We have concluded that we will carry out cleaning activities every Friday, by preparing parks and small gardens to cool off around the campus. Hopefully this activity can continue. If this works, I and maybe my fellow #steem-environment community administrators will continue similar activities elsewhere.

Kami telah berkesimpulan akan melakukan kegiatan bersih-bersih setiap jumat, dengan menyiapkan taman dan kebun kecil agar sejuk disekitaran kampus. Semoga kegiatan ini bisa tersu berlanjut. Jika ini sudah sukses, saya dan mungkin rekan pengurus komunitas #steem-environment akan melanjutkan kegiatan mirip seperti ini ketempat lainnya.




For the time being, we still have to pay for it personally and go directly to the location, because there is no source of funds collected in the community account, later of course if a lot has been collected from the payment of member contributions, activities like this (planting trees) will be easier to do.

Untuk sementara, kami masih harus melakukan secara swadaya dan turun langsung, karena belum ada sumber dana yang terkumpul pada akun komunitas, nanti tentunya jika telah banyak terkumpul dari sumbangan payout postingan para member, kegiatan seperti ini (penanaman Pohon) akan alebih mudah dilakukan.

Prayers from us Management and I think also all members of @steem-environment, so that this community can grow and develop quickly. We will be very happy if the steemians want to delegate a little steem-power that you have to the account @hive-161774

Doa dari kami Para Pengurus dan saya kira juga semua member @steem-environment, agar komunitas dapat cepat tumbuh dan berkembang. Kami akan sangat senang jika para steemians mau mendelegasikan sedikit steem-power yang anda miliki kepada akun @hive-161774

That's it for this post, I hope you like it.

Demikian Postingan ini, semoga berkenan.

Greetings environmental sustainability.

Best Regard, @saifuddin73,
About Me click here

Thanks for visiting and reading my post and our community.
Cc & Thanks to : @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 @steemitblog, @pennsif, @steemchiller,


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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