Tribes notice: account claim, account creation, and ads
As per usual I'm working my ass off trying to bring new cool stuff to Tribes to make your life better and tribe tokens have more value. So, I'm announcing a few services that are coming so you can plan for them.
Discount Account Creation Token Claim and Use
Starting immediately Steem-Engine (via steem-eng, we don't own the account steem-engine) will accept 250 ENG and begin claiming discount account creation tokens on your behalf. This really only makes sense for people that have a large amount of steem on their community account (25k+).
If the account uses scotbot we don't need anything other than your approval and ENG. If you don't use scotbot and you want us to claim tokens we'll need the active key or active authority.
Account creation is a little harder. We have stuff we have to build to make this work, but the end game here is to help you claim tokens and help you sell them for your tribe token. Hopefully you'll be burning them so that all members of your community get a benefit whenever someone makes an account. I suspect a few weeks.
Ads can do amazing things for our little ecosystem. Normally ads are annoying. Here we'll use them to burn your token. Every ad you see will directly impact the price of your token and the potential rewards you can earn! I imagine people will be grateful to see the ads rather than pissed off. EACH AD MAKES YOUR TOKEN MORE VALUABLE!!!
This has been a product goal of mine for a while. It's tricky to figure out since we're crypto based, but it looks like we're going to get started with our own direct ad sales and try to incorporate google adsense later. We'll charge 15% of sales to get this going. Maybe down the road we can shrink that to 10% which is closer to industry standards, but while we start it's going to stay 15%.
Steemmonsters is set to purchase ads on tribes for $1/cpm to start us off. If other people are interested in ads we'll likely have about 10-20k impressions per day across the tribes we manage. When the money comes in for ads we'll take it in any currency and convert to the tribe tokens and then burn the tribe tokens. There will likely be some minimum purchases like $100 or so. Just enough to make sure we can cover the dev costs of doing adding your stuff.
Later down the road we might try to get a little more sophisticated and do things like pay tribe owners and pay content creators directly and burn the rest, but we're not there yet.
Ads will hopefully start in August. There will be a small fee to get your Nitrous setup for ads. We're still determining how much of our time it'll take to setup, and that will determine the price. There will be another announcement with process and cost shortly.
Overall, I think it has the potential to be a game changer for sites especially over time as viewership grows.
If you have a steem project or crypto project and you're looking for a cheap way to get crypto and especially steem eyeballs to view then these Tribe sites are likely the best option you're going to get. It's inexpensive, we can get your ad rolling pretty easily, it will help the entire ecosystem and thus people should be grateful that you're advertising with them.
We're still working on various banner sizes we'll incorporate, and more will be announced, but if you know you'll be interested and you're looking for some eyeballs please ping me in Discord.
Many thanks
Steem Engine keeps working away and growing our volume, our tribes, and our services. Thanks for your participation and here's hoping you'll see ads and new accounts, you'll see burning tokens, and see better tribe tokens prices across the board in the not too distant future.
This is great. @jpbliberty May be interested in advertising on Tribes.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Will ads be paid in USD or Steem to the community leader for the tribe?
honestly I am surprised at how NO one ran ads on any of these communities. It is a perfect way to build capital for your token by doing a buy back/burn. Steemit could take a huge lesson from this instead of being so money grubbing. Business 101
Have you considered running ads though a crypto network and using the BTC earned as a buy back ?
Second that. I’d like to see something like used instead of Google. I think it would go over better with the crypto community too, although revenue would probably be less. In the past I even sent suggestions to them to look into transacting in Steem & partnering with Steemit for services. With enough volume and eyeballs I could see Steem-Engine independently brokering this too.
I tried out a-ads on my site and got ~ 1000 SAT (can't withdraw till 0.001 BTC) for 46 UNIQUE impressions (note - must be unique users)
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Nice, adblock off and 3rd Party on - for the Steem-Engine site. Keep up the good work.
#firstComment :p
I like it. These Tribes and SCOT tokens are certainly making a big splash in the Steem ecosystem. Well done.
I greatly appreciate to big impact you and your Steem-Engine team have made on Steemit. I am more involved with the platform then before and have become more profitable.
I am currently involved in onboarding users and working through some plans to onboard some content producers with large followings for free and onboard their followers with the enticement of supporting their content producer and getting paid.
It’s not a new or novel plan, but I think if I do all the work to bring their content here and make it free money it might work.
Thank you
Love this ! Thanks for your efforts.