Steem Cartoon : The Sleepy Professor
The Rock Star

Vital Stat
Real Name: Ramli Bin Razman
Born: 28 July 1983
Citizenship: Malaysia
Place of Birth: Seremban
Known relatives: Wife and son
Occupation(s): Musician, songwriter, and lecturer
Genres: Hard rock, blues rock, heavy metal
Group Affiliation: The Aerospace, Peril Jam, Man of War
Height: 5 ft 15 in
Weight: 180lb
Eyer: Brown
Hair: Black
The name of this character is Ramli b. Razman or better known as Prof Ram. He used to be a rock star and has many fans. When he left the entertainment industry, he returned to his hometown and became a lecturer in a college.
This character is something that I created for a project called 'Scroll' that is managed by @sireh. However, since I have not managed to do it before the due date, I am now posting this for everyone's viewing. This is my second attempt at a humours comic. I hope you guys are entertained.

credit to @zomagic
lawa cartoon...effect gray tone tu pakai software apa bro ?
Tenkiu tenkiu..gray tone tu cut and paste je je..ada jugak try buat ikut tutorial tapi tak jadi..hahaha..saya guna photoshop zaman tok kaduk punya version :D
nice one bro rehan..tengok macam abang rom ROTTW betul bro buat dia? :)
Thanks, bro.. hahaha..betul tu..memang based on character dia bro. :D
oo..lukih abg rom ke..haha..terbaik rehan!!
hehe thanks bro..takde idea nak buat kartun, kebetulan kat atas meja ada ROTTW..belasah je hahaha
haha..padan la rasa cam familiar..torbaik!! :))