The Lost Sheep.

Prawn chip snacks are nice.
Why hello there. As the title says, I'm kind of... a lost sheep.
So I got introduced to the Steemit platform quite recently, all thanks to the venerable Mr. Sireh ( @sireh ), whose pen name I remember as far as the Ujang comics (actually, sir, my memories of these magazines have gone rotten all these years, so I might be saying the wrong magazine name, do correct me) when I was still in my early teens and came under his tutelage as I entered my degree years and had the pleasure to meet him as my lecturer on my first year.
Wow. The me at that time certainly wouldn't even expect that to happen.
Anyway, moving on.
For the time being, I shall address myself as Ohnoes!. I usually have more than one online handle depending on where on the Internet I am, but I'll... just use that for now. Yeah. no, my real name is for face-to-face meetings and formal occasions only, thank you very much.
As with the people under Mr. Sireh's guidance, I am an Animation and Visual Effects student from the University of Multimedia Cyberjaya Campus, in Malaysia.
... Which, to me, is a strange thing now that I think of it.
Why is that, you ask? I guess my pursuits in this field is more for the sake of knowledge than anything else.
Because prior to my years there, I do not have any arts background. Not even going through foundation for it! The closest art-related background I had was initially signing up for the Pendidikan Seni Visual in my school for my SPM in 2006 before I dropped out of that subject later. ... Hey, I want my weekend outings, it's not like I can simply slip out of the dormitory (I was in a boarding school) to go out almost every day.
Prior to that I was doing Diploma in Computer Science (Multimedia) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur campus. Make no mistake, that ain't no artsy stream, it's a stream of codes, codes and even more codes... and business jargons, I guess.

Like the fish out of water that I am.
Anyway, enough about my background for now.
Compared to my other comrades who were in into this Steemit thingy, I suppose I have more of my ways in text than I do pictures. I do strive to have more pictures when I could because, as people say, pictures speak a thousand words.
Aaaaaaandd.... a parting doodle to finish this somewhat long introductory essay (that basically amounts to saying a lot of nothing about myself).

No, I'm definitely not a ship captain. Not even a naval officer.
If I was any of these I doubt I'd be here right now.
I'll try to make it less wall of text and more fun... doodles next time. Really.
P/S to myself: More bling-blings, please.
Hi @ohnoeshonoo selamat datang ke Steemit.. art and code tak dapat dipisahkan..hihihi
thank you. bab coding lama dah lupa kot. sekarang ni stakat HTML basics boleh la hahahaha.
Hello, interestingly written, good luck! Come to my blog
Greetings minnow!
Great art !
Nice to meet you.
Check my Photography @babuplrk
Welcome ohnoeshonoo. Enjoy the platform and just be yourself! :)
Great to have you onboard !!
Welcome @ohnoeshonoo ... have fun posting 😊