My First Martial Arts Exam: Comic Strip
When I was around 12 years old, I started going to Tae Kwon Do classes. I've always liked martial arts and it was also a great way to stay in shape, because back then I was a little on the chubby side... (as most kids are).
I remembered training hard and preparing for the belt exam. One of the last things to be done was to break a wood board. This comic is a recollection of what happened that day.

Haha to be honest I'm not sure if it was my dad or someone else who hold the half-real wood board. It was such a bummer figuring out later on that it was all fake.... but for a good half an hour or so I felt invencible haha.
So here's an advice for the kids out there who are breaking wood boards with some crazy Bruce Lee moves... don't try to break the small pieces again because you will get hurt... better to have that fake feeling of awesomness than realizing you're not strong enough to break the other halves (unless you're actually crazy strong haha)
Remember, I'm running a Discord server and also a Facebook group with @jonathan-greer, in case you want to join and we can talk about webcomics and even collaborate to make ones.
If you also like to make webcomics or comic strips, you can use the tag #steemit-webcomics
Until next time!

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that is a very sweet drawn comic :)
hehe it's simple but at least I hope to crack some laughs :) thanks for stopping by @localola
LOL @ "fake board glued together" hehehehe!!! I really love your artistic style with these comic strips @cobmaximus!
:D! oh yey! I'm happy you liked it, and they'll just get better and better :)
Hahaha! Love the drawings...and frankly how many of those feelings have most guys after watching karate kid or something.
There needs to be a warning label on us LOL
haha lol we are just to easily fooled xD
I'm glad you're liking the comics :)
Hahaha nice! Why would they use a fake board? I used to do Hapkido, it was so fun, but we had to up our pushups every new belt, I was up to 50 pushups and we had to do them on concrete slaps to build calluses on our knuckles. That was like at 14, now I cry a little if I hit my toe wrong haha.
lol haha oh man you were a badass girl! probably would have kicked my ass (and probably still be able to haha) Well I was like 12 I think, and I was still training with the small kids.... and shortly after that stopped going there, maybe at some point they start using real pieces of wood
Lol yea I was pretty badass at that age, Italian heritage, now I'm out of breath just thinking of going up stairs haha. I suppose our boards were pretty thin, I had tried breaking other kinds of boards at the time and regretted it instantly haha. We did have some guys come down from the big organization and they broke concrete blocks it was CRAZY cool!
sounds like you would be a video game boss, while the guys from the big organizations would be the FINAL boss xD
nice drawing, love the crinkled arm.
haha yeah, fortunately I didn't broke my arm lol, xD glad you liked it :)
You got me cracking here lol
lol i know you dont mean it at all
Nice one @cobmaximus
haha apparently my dad go a lot of power, that's why the board didn't break!! haha yeah that 's my favorite part of the comic :D!
Thanks for making me laugh :) Your comic is very good, hope your hand got better fast and that it didn’t hurt too much.
it did :D luckily I didn't break it... it just broke my confidence lol jk, it was kinda disappointing only
"Please Lord, give my Dad the strength to withstand this punch" Hahahaha. Man that was epic!
Yes that cracked me up too!
it will be tough to come up with a better joke xD
Yes, were all sitting here judging you....checking up on what you're doing. Joking, we just enjoyed your stuff
hahaha well judging or not, I'll still keep or increase the quality :D!
hahaha xD that's my favorite part of the comic lol
Really cool looking cartoons dude! That's a funny experience too, great job by your Tae Kwon Do instructor for not telling your Dad how they did it haha.
Did you still keep up with the training after you caught onto their game? ;)
Thanks :D! I'm slowly improving my drawings :D
haha no, after I realized the lie I was done with it!!!! haha, jk. I did stop going but it's because I wasn't enjoying the classes that much. In my senior year I did practice some karate which I liked, but after having an unrelated injury I stopped going... :(
Good drawing!!!
Thanks @abd.ghafarbahari :D! It's still under improvement :)