What do you see and what do you think about when you look in the mirror?
What do you think about when you look in the mirror?

I am very grateful for this competition as it will allow us to raise very important topics. It seems to me that it is not really a superficial answer that relates to what we look like, but more to what we think about ourselves.
When we have complexes, low self-esteem when we pay too much attention to what others think of us, we will always feel unattractive and we will be thinking only about making changes in our presence and life, in general. In fact, quite a lot of people are harmed in this way by society. There can be many reasons: bad childhood, problems at school, being a victim of persecution or discrimination on any basis, anxiety problems, depression, or even addiction to social media (dozens of scientific studies have already been written about the influence of Instagram on the perception of one's own body).
By getting rid of our problems, accepting the past and present, it is easier for us to see that we all are actually beautiful - both externally and internally. It is easier for us to understand that we are only human and that as human beings we will always be imperfect, but being imperfect is also okay.

I have been depressed twice in my life, once quite recently (I wrote about it in the first days of my presence on Steemit, a few months ago). Looking in the mirror then, I saw only things that needed improvement. I have physically seen an overweight man with an imperfect complexion, excessive body hair, ugly feet, and a million other details that I didn't like. Out of the body, I was seeing a person without a job, without money, living in a foreign country, away from family and friends. I used to tell myself that I would probably never earn enough to be happy, I would probably never settle down in Argentina enough to have a group of friends here, I used to tell myself that I was stupid, useless and many other harmful things that I would never say to another person, and however, I repeated to myself every day.
Today, when I look in the mirror, I have a much healthier attitude. Every morning, before the shower, I look at my body and say a compliment in my mind or the simplest "Hello, handsome!" My body hasn't changed much, and yet I see it in a completely different way now and find myself relatively attractive. As my approach changed, others began to see me the way I look at myself more often. I am more understanding of myself - I accept the imperfections of the body and life difficulties related to my situation as an emigrant on the other side of the world, I understand that it is impossible to achieve everything in a few days and I try to pay more attention to my strengths and what I have already managed to be fulfilled instead of being stressed by what is still ahead of me.
When I look in the mirror I finally see a friend in it, not an enemy as I used to see.
Thank you for reading,
@ papi.mati
i've just read your post and said to myself: this guy and i think alike, he's been through the same hell as i did.
My best regards Mati.
Thank you! All the best for you!
Hola, @papi.mati. Es excelente que aprendas a mirarte a ti mismo con mayor comprensión y aprecio.
Aunque sé que es una frase cliché: Todos somos diferentes y únicos. Dificilmente encajaremos a la perfección en los canones de belleza socialmente aceptados, y eso está bien.
Lo más importante es aceptarse a uno mismo y recordar que nuestro cuerpo es un vehiculo y que lo escencial está en quienes somos más allá de lo superficial.
You are absolutely right, my friend. When I was looking at the mirror then, not liking myself, it was not me, it was the disease talking thru me. Now, I have learned to appreciate what I achieved and how I look like. I am aware that few things could be changed but also appreciate other stuff that is cool at me.
Also, I know how to turn disadvantages into advantages - I may be fluffy, but thanks to that I'm better at cuddling, I may be too hairy here or there, but at least I'm not freezing in winter etc :D
Thanks for your comment!
Y habrán muchas más particularidades en tu cuerpo que seguramente tendrán sus ventajas y serán únicas en ti. Solo es cuestión de aprender a reconocerlas.
Saludos y suerte.