Hierbas Medicinales. La Lochita o Centella Asiática. Medicinal Herbs . The Lochita or Centella Asiatica.
Greetings friends of #steem-bru (BY-RU-UA), It is the first time that I publish in this community, I was reading its rules and about the things that I can try and I found that I can publish many of the things that I like and like I feel very happy about that. I am a person who has a great tendency to consume food as natural as possible so that way I prepare my meals and also I like to do it and I really enjoy preparing and creating rich and natural foods. I also love herbal teas and natural teas and everything that has to do with nature.
Lochita or Centella Asiatica.
For now, I am only going to share my experience of yesterday, when I found a strain of this virtuous plant, which in my country, Venezuela is called Lochita, the same that in another countries, is called Centella Asiatica. I hope this post is useful to all of you.

Bueno les cuento...Ayer cuando salimos a caminar mi amiga y yo, y a tomar un poco del sol de la tarde, por los alrededores donde vivimos. Nos encontramos una cepa de plantas de Lochita. No sé si alguien las sembró intencionalmente o ellas nacieron por si solas. La cosa es que me quedé maravillada por encontrar esta planta que se, que tiene una gran cantidad de propiedades medicinales para los seres humanos. Bueno además de mi hallazgo, pude disfrutar de estas hermosa flores amarillas que contrastaban con el verdor intenso de la planta y se veía muy bonito.
Well I'll tell you ... Yesterday when my friend and I went for a walk, and to take a bit of the afternoon sun, around the surroundings where we live. We found a strain of Lochita plants. I don't know if someone intentionally sowed them or they were born by themselves. The thing is, I was amazed to find this plant that I know, which has a lot of medicinal properties for humans. Well in addition to my finding, I was able to enjoy these beautiful yellow flowers that contrasted with the intense green of the plant and it looked very pretty.

Mientras investigaba sobre sus virtudes para hacer mi post, fue cuando me enteré, que se trataba de la misma Centella Asiática. Recuerdo que siempre que pasaba por la vitrina de una venta de productos naturales, siempre me venía a mi mente, que planta era esa que se llamaba, Centella Asiática, yo no tenía idea de que era la misma Lochita, ahora sé, que la puedo conseguir fácilmente en estado natural. Ya que aquí en mi país, no es difícil conseguirla.
While I was researching its virtues to make my post, it was when I found out that it was the same Centella Asiatica. I remember that whenever I passed by the window of a sale of natural products, it always came to mind, which plant was that called, Centella Asiatica, I had no idea that it was the same Lochita, now I know that I can easily get in the natural state. Since here in my country, it is not difficult to get it.

Entre una de las principales propiedades de esta pequeña planta, esta que es un excelente Oxigenante Cerebral.
Es buena para las personas que olvidan las cosas, además de eso es un excelente regenerador celular, así como también es calmante de los nervios y para los estados de ansiedad por sus cualidades sedantes.
Among one of the main properties of this small plant, it is an excellent Cerebral Oxygenator.
It is good for people who forget things, in addition to that it is an excellent cell regenerator, as well as it is calming of the nerves and for states of anxiety due to its sedative qualities.

Otra de las virtudes de esta planta es que tiene propiedades dermatológicas, tónicas y vasodilatadoras por eso es muy usada para las erupciones en la piel y para las llaguitas que salen en la boca, porque es desinflamante y desinfectante.
También es buena para elevar la vitalidad y es un buen regenerador celular. Es un eficaz para tonificar las venas y prevenir la insuficiencia venosa. Se usa también en el tratamiento de la flebitis.
Another of the virtues of this plant is that it has dermatological, tonic and vasodilating properties, which is why it is widely used for skin eruptions and for the sores that come out in the mouth, because it is anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
It is also good for raising vitality and is a good cell regenerator. It is effective to tone the veins and prevent venous insufficiency. It is also used in the treatment of phlebitis.

En fin la Lochita es una hierba medicinal que aporta muchos beneficios para la salud. Así que de ahora en adelante piensa en preparártela como té o infusión y se puede tomar una vez al día con un poquito de miel o papelón. También, puede ser usada machacándola y convocándola como compresas en zonas afectadas de la piel.
In short, the Lochita is a medicinal herb that provides many health benefits. So from now on think about preparing it as a tea or infusion and it can be taken once a day with a little honey or Papelon. Also, it can be used by crushing it and using it as compresses on affected areas of the skin.
Así que ya saben, es recomendable ingerir el té o infusión de lochita, como oxigenante cerebral, y muchos beneficios mas, asi que les dejo este link donde pueden investigar mas detalladamente sobre esta virtuosa hierba. Aquí les dejo este link.
So now you know, it is advisable to ingest lochita tea or infusion, as a cerebral oxygenator, and many other benefits, so I leave you this link where you can investigate in more detail about this virtuous herb. Here is this link.
Espero les haya sido de utilidad mi post. Nos veremos en la próxima. Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi BLUE G6.
I hope my post has been useful to you. We will see you next time. The photos are my property, taken with my BLUE G6.