THE DIARY GAME: 01/10/2020 of diary game @sambee/Celebration
The harder you work for something,
the greater you'll feel when you
achieve it.
Greetings from my side. Happy new month, and welcome to ember month. It is my gratitude to participate in this diary game. Here, have come to gist you small about my day, you will love it.
Dear Diary
If you sleep and wake up healthy just give thanks to Almighty God. I woke up from sleep in sound and healthy, I started worshipping God like never before because His love is unfalling. After my prayer, a friend knocked at my door, wishing me happy new month, wow it was so lovely, as I came outside everybody was rejoicing, thanking God for the grace to see another month and celebrating my ciuntrys birthday.
My country Nigeria clock @60, it was a great celebration in Nigeria, it was really celebrated especially in Abuja F.C.T.
Global celebration.
After doing everything am suppose to do, I tuned on my Television (TV) to know what's happdning and how my country will celebrate her birthday, yea was abke to watch it because there is no work, public holiday was declared. Wow it was lovely I tuned it on, many things was happening.
A parade at Ealge Square @ Abuja, Nigeria
Diamond Jubilee celebration in Eagle Square
One if the best dance in Nigeria, Igbo precisely the eastern past of nigeria. The celebration was really great.
I later feel hungry, thinking of what to have for lunch, which i came up with this.
Rice, vegetable, fish and plantain.
After my eating, I answered some sleep with took over 3hours. I visited a neighbour in her shop.
At Lugbe, Abuja Nigeria
We gisted alot before i retired home. Got home was so tired, didnt care to prepare night meal because i dont feel like having dinner. So I attended one on two things, before retired to bed.
Here comes to an end of my day. Thanks for reading. Hope you see you all in my next post.
All thanks for those that are trying hard to see that steemit become a great and strong place people dwell.

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Nice dairy my dear @sambee, been a while since i read from you and waow you made it back with a storm. I really do wish i was in Nigeria for this celebration, the event looks so colorful with alot of cultural reflections. You really did have fun this day. Thanks for sharing and hoping to read more from you.
#twopercent #cameroon
Oh yes it has been a while now but am back now, so get ready to read more.
Yea the events was super, we thank God it didnt rain that day.
Thanks for reading.
It was quite a great celebration in you country @sambee with all the cultural events taking place. It's a bright new month and we're grateful to be part of it. Nice sharing. What is the name of the traditional dance?
#onepercent #cameroon #afdable
The traditional dance name is called Oteleogwu. Thanks for reading.
Hello sambee!
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Wow, thanks so much.
Great to see you are back.Well formated post. Hope you will write daily.
#twopercent #affable #bangladesh
@boss75 thanks reading, by His grace i will.
very interesting culture to follow with your very beautiful story.
Thanks so much @muzack1
This post has been rewarded by @focusnow from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."
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