in SteemAlive3 years ago




I hope you are all in health no matter where you are? Am doing great myself, although the weather here isn't friendly. I was so excited when i saw this contest hosted to support club75 and club100. Therefore i appreciate @steemalive and mr @focusnow for hosting it.

Today i would be sharing with you 3 people that are my role model. I urge you to seat tight an read till the end.



From my perspective, a role model is anyone you look up to for encouragement or for the drive to keep going. The life of a role model inspires you to be better and do better in any field they specialize. A role model may not even know that he or she is your role model meaning you may not even have a one on one physical contact with that person but lets say through research or books you got to meet them and know them. Role models are energy boosters, sometimes you just want to be like them, speak like them, dress like them or even live like them.

I remember years ago all i just wanted to be a sport person especially in the area of football. I patterned my life in that line and i had someone in that line i looked up to, i began to dress, walk and play like that person. After a while i got another person i wanted to be like but this time it was in the area of music. I began training my voice to sing like the person. Today i have different role models in fact in every field of interest i have a role model but for the sake of this contest i would share with you 3 role models i have.



Pastor Obie Jason and wife

Pastor Obie Jason : He is the first on my list. He is a religious leader, a pastor and a founder of an international ministry filled with young people. He is married with two children. I have known him for 14years. I met him for the first time while in the university. His life and ministry inspires me. He is my role model in the area of religion


  • A good listener:

Pastor Jason is a good listener. He always gives you a listening ear when ever you come to him or call him on the phone. Even if what you are saying does not make sense, he would still listen paying attention to all you have to say. No wonder after every service he holds the queue to see him is usually too long. Young people just love him.

  • Unique Teacher:

Pastor Obie Jason has this special teaching grace. You need to hear him teach Gods word. The way he dissects the scriptures with simplicity is amazing. He uses story telling to drive home his points. No wonder am now becoming like him with my good story telling ability. Even a person that has never seen the four walls of a class room will understand when pastor teaches the word.

  • A love machine:

Pastor Obie is a love machine. I will tell you for free. Well i guess you want to know what i mean by a love machine right? Okey, pastor Obie Jason is a lover of all. Always ready to show love to everyone. I remember one time while i was been mentored directly by him in a particular class i enrolled, he bought special gifts for us as a present. I was so amazed when i opened mine, it was a dress i saw. He does not discriminate. He teaches love in a practical way.

  • Very persistent :

Oh how i love to tell you about pastor Jason and his persistence altitude. Pastor Jason never takes no for an answer. When he fails, he changes strategy and move on, never letting failure to stop his goal. I have learnt this quality first hand from him. I must get what i want the right ways!


  • Trained leaders :

Pastor Jason does not believe in one man squad. So he has been able to train leaders from every part of Nigeria. Some of the leaders he has trained, he met them while they were still students of one institution or the other but today those students are mighty men in various field.

  • Planted fellowships :

Pastor believes in catch them young principle. So he has succeeded in planting fellowships in the campuses in other to help the students accomplish their goals in life. Currently he has this fellowship in all most all the higher institutions of Nigeria especially in the east, south and west.



my mum

MY MUM: My mum is the second role model on my list. The name of my mum is Mrs Felicia isn't she beautiful? I have known my mum all my life. My mum of course is married with 5 children. She was born in the city of calabar but later left as she began to grow up. My mum is one person i know that loves the lord with all her heart. Right now she is into business and she does it with the fear of God. My mum is funny and friendly. I belt you, you will enjoy your stay when you come around her. She is my role model in the area of finance. Believe me when i say my mum is like a bank. You can give her your money and be sure you will get it back when you need it. She is frugal. I trust her to keep my money safe. While growing up, she will always forcefully collect Dads money to save for him. Dad loves to spend money. He was shocked one day when she brought out all the money she has saved up for him.


  • Frugal :

I belt you not everyone is frugal but my mum is. I watched how mum will be in need and would not touch money given to her to keep. She would tell me to bring paper and pen and help her write a break down of how she will spend money for house hold budgets. She keeps records of how her money is spent. If she must spend money then it must be a very pressing need and not a want. She will never spend money on what she was not prepared for meaning she does not spend at impulse. This is a rare and special quality she has no wonder i call her the house hold bank.

  • Caring :

I know you would want to say it only normal for a mother to be caring right? Well it does not change the fact that i would still mention it. Mum is caring, even as an adult now, i know how she constantly disturbs me with her many calls to check on me when ever she senses that am not fine. Sometimes i have to pretend to her that all is well with me so that she can stop calling. Am Daddys pet but sometimes he refuses to give me the things i ask for, so i just go to mum plead with her to help me get it from Dad and boom i have it.

  • Praying woman:

Mum can pray for Africa! My mum never jokes with prayers. I leant how to pray first hand from mum. She taught me the basic things i know about praying back then. Mum prays about everything. Sometimes when she calls me on phone, it is to remind me about prayer sessions am to engage on. She does not get tired of praying.



Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein : was an amazing scientist. He is my role model in the area of science. His child hood story amazes me and would like to share little about him. This interesting man was born in the year1878 in the month of march on the 14th day. He got married to a beautiful wife , dont ask me how i knew. He has children. Even though he had some struggles as a child, he didnt allow it stop his big visions , dreams and goals. One of the struggles he had was talking and walking. He did not talk properly until he was 9years old wow! Each time i remember this i marvel. I just wonder what he went through at that point. Then he could not walk like every other person until he got to age 3 aah! Like seriously it sounds unbelievable but it is true. I guess he kept pressing and pressing and today he is celebrated as a scientist. He died in 1955


  • Persistence :

This quality is so pronounced in his life right from childhood. He never gives up. He kept pushing even when no one believed in him, he believed in himself and what he knew how to do best. No wonder he wrote a lot of scientific theories.

  • Introvert :

It is said that Albert Einstein loved his own space, this means he did not fancy talking too much, he loved staying all alone. I guess this quality made him think much about life and nature. He just wants to know things by thinking through.


only an intelligent person would have been able to achieve all he achieved. So i give it to him, he was intelligent. Great Scientist are naturally intelligent men and women, although it may not look like it but it will surely become obvious.


Albert Einstein did alot for the science world and i can not start evaluating his achievements but let me just say two

  • Brought about the theory of Gravity:

I guess you know what gravity is right? Ok it was Albert Einstein that gave more explanation to it after Newton said his. Imagine if this theory was not in place, it means we may not be able to fly our aircrafts.

I hope you enjoyed reading? Thank you


 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @ruthjoe,

You have done well by telling us about your three role models.They are such a wonderful set of people.Do note that this contest is exclusive to club75 and club100 members.No doubt,you are eligible.All the best.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Wow! Your mum worth being in the financial institution, she is discipline and I so love that.

How about opening a microfinance bank for her?

Your entry is great.

Hahaha you are really very funny @nsikakedem
Well, am going to think about that because thats a good idea.

Great job!

Your high-quality post has been upvoted by the Lifestyle curator team managed by @o1eh. We enjoyed reading it a lot.

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 3 years ago 

Your mum really have special qualities. I love the name given to her household bank. Its funny but interesting. All your role models are wisely selected. Nice one

Thank you dear @marajah and its so nice to see you here at my blog

 3 years ago 

First of all, @ruthjoe this write-up must-have cost you quality time to write. Like they say whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

You have excellent mentors and their traits are worth emulating 💯.

Yes dear it did @ngozi996 the post cost me more than 3hours to write, but like you said what is worth doing is worth doing well.

Thank you for reading

 3 years ago 

Thank you @ruthjoe for sharing this quality post in steemalive, your 3 role model are really what you called them

Thank you ma for finding my post worth reading

 3 years ago 

Yeah, I feel like reading it always, i love reading and when i read educative one, it makes me feel young

Wow! Thats really amazing..i just leant now

 3 years ago 

You are so funny 😄

Hahah am glad i was able to put some smile on your face

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

You have such good role models and I'm glad your pastor and mum are included and my dear, your mum is beautiful with that priceless smile.
Best of luck

Awww thank you so much for beautiful words of complements

 3 years ago 

You're welcome

I wish to read about yours soon

 3 years ago 

Working on it

You have amazing set of people as your role models @ruthjoe. I am impressed that they are laying a good example for you and others to emulate.

You have been able to meet with your first two role models, that's a good thing....

Thank you @ninapenda thank you for coming over to read my entry. Yes i have been able to meet my first 2 role models. Unfortunately the last one is late hence i would have met him too.

Nice write up , wishing u success in this contest.

Thank you dear @theresavic for your reading my post.

Uwc dear

He did not talk properly until he was 9years old wow! Each time i remember this i marvel.

It must've been though.... infact, it was tough. Cause I knew him nau, he's my distant relative too!😂😂

Great post you have here. That one quality of your mom "frugal" is a good one to emulate🤲

Hahah you are really funny

You know him, it means you must be like 600years old abi?

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